Arod had always had a measure of admiration from Hasulfel. As marksman, they were fairly well matched. Arod had a talent. Killer instinct, some called it. It was a kind of intuition that led to the shots like the one he just pulled off. It was not the killing blow, but it was that augmenting...
Grommok was back upon his feet in short order. Throwing the remains of the Gwathui aside, there were several of his orc brethren who rushed to his aid and offered him enough cover for him to rise with his spear in hand. And no sooner was he up did he lunge forth and impale one of the monsters...
The orcs clashed with the monsters first, and then came the second hammer, the ogres, against the Dark Army's minions. Mogrin himself with a furious swing batted a leaping Gwathui high into the branches above, and the creature bounced off the trunk of a tree and went spinning off into shadows...
Emboldened by the kinship of the Ogres that had been shown, and the vigor they showed forth at the sounds of coming conflict, the Orcs too showed forth their eagerness. They pounded against their chests, roared out into the dark, and cried with a desperate thirst for battle.
Vengeance they...
The air was cool here.
It was chilled from countless battles, where lives untold had been lost. He didn't know the history, he could simply see the signs. Though there was unnatural growth in these lands, it did not hide the scars of the past. He could see old gouges out of the ancient bark. He...
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