Recent content by Gerra

  1. Gerra

    What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft and the lie?

    What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft and the lie?
  2. Gerra

    Open Chronicles Forge of Destiny

    Across the great seas of Arethil, sequestered on an isle of Sheketh, the slumbering magma of a volcano served as crucible for a lone blacksmith’s forge. Tall was he, beyond the height of men, and his thickset frame bore many scars and nicks of battles past. Tattoos webbed across his chest in...
  3. Gerra

    Ash to Ash

    Ash to Ash
  4. Gerra

    Fable - Ask Sheketh by the Sea

    "Here?" rumbled the half-giant, taking a hammer and smacking it against the peace of heated metal. "I have always been here." A flash of fire, of blighted wastelands. A vision of mountains taller than any in the world. A glimpse of a sea of sand and glittering oceans. Gerra grit his teeth...
  5. Gerra

    Fable - Ask Sheketh by the Sea

    “You keep calling me this,” Gerra rumbled with a frown as he walked, covering swathes of ground with every stride, pack slung over one shoulder. “I am just a blacksmith. My followers are sheep,” he pointed at the herd grazing not far from them, a few curious members watching. “But yes...
  6. Gerra

    Fable - Ask Sheketh by the Sea

    The half-giant blinked down at the horned stranger, nonplussed. “Um…” He wiped a hand on his wool tunic, home spun from the Sheketh sheep that grazed nearby, and extended a hand. “Don’t know of a god-king, but-“ A splitting headache wracked Gerra’s skull and he grimaced as a vision of a...
  7. Gerra

    Fable - Ask Sheketh by the Sea

    CLANG Sparks flew. CLANG The blistering heat of a forge. CLANG The glow of white-orange. CLANG Gerra stopped and wiped the sweat from his brow, holding up a glowing blade before him. The half-giant looked upon his work, nodding slowly. That would do. He took tongs and lowered the...
  8. Gerra

    I Am Literally a Goat

  9. Gerra

    The Empire To Please the Lord

    “Two idealists, no?” Malek’s smile shifted, one side pulled up, the other lowered. He patted the back of the throne. “One who seeks to serve a worthy god. The other…” He slipped his hand from the throne and toyed with a gold and ruby ring upon his finger, “who seeks to serve a god of worth.”...
  10. Gerra

    The Empire To Please the Lord

    "Ahhh, yes. Many have come with your question. Where is the emperor? Hhem." Another gesture of his hands, not dismissive, not quite, but the gesture of one who held no answers. "After returning from the Cortos campaign he decreed an order to build a fleet, for our shores are plagued with...
  11. Gerra

    The Empire To Please the Lord

    I do not remember the taste of wine. The touch of flesh. What am I become, undone by a deed I thought just. Is this how you reside in your molten halls, father? Full of fear and aimless hate? Undone by a curse. The atrium stood empty but for the Immortal-Deathless, who lined the hall three...
  12. Gerra

    The Empire The Throne of Tyria

    Across the water from Annuakat sat the city of Tyria, renowned for her mercantile ships and rich dyes of purple. Standing atop the palace ziggurat in Annuakat, Gerra gazed out at the nearby rival. His spies brought grave news. The courtiers of Tyria deposed Queen Xaviera in a coup, replacing...
  13. Battle of Alcazar

  14. Gerra

    Private Tales A Return

    "Deserve?" the half-giant's features grew distant and he looked past Kailyn toward the surface of the golden pond, staring down into his reflection. "I deserve many things, Kailyn." Gently, he separated them, but let a hand continue to rest on her shoulder. "I have brought peace to a land...
  15. Gerra

    The Empire A Night of City Lights | Ragash

    “No, he will remain here,” ordered the Emperor as he strode forward in the direction of the palace. He had had his own experience with mercenaries and knew that they were little more than vultures out looking for their next meal. Useful in the right circumstance, but not the sort that he would...