Fritz Erlain
(Portrait by Anna Helme on Artstation, just so you can see how he looks without me having to vaguely describe him in a way that probably would miss something. Also, ignore the armor. That isn’t until he actually adventures. His father had a blonde beard so that will be added later.)
Real Name:
Dune, for his Blonde hair, but he earned the name Fritzy after stumbling to the Smithing House’s table in the morning after quickly getting out of bed and Kendyl, his mentor, saw his hair. He prefers to be called Fritz in public though as to appear more masculine, and the nickname has stuck.
Age: 16 or 17, as his last birthday was August 10th. He is very excited to obtain the privileges of an adult as well as finally graduating to a full swordsmith and armorer next year.
Height: 5’9
Backstory: Dune had no idea who his parents were, given that some particularly angry anti-nonhumanists burned down their home, forcing them to leave him in a chest that survived in the basement. A particularly adventurous blacksmith named Kaushan found him while he was searching for treasure, and he realized there was no other option as he was not heartless and cruel as the others, so he raised him as one of his own, and marveled at Dune’s eagerness for his future craft from the first time he laid his hands on a hammer. Kaushan knew he would grow up just as he was now, and apprenticed him to a Smith with as much fire as he did, named Kendyl. He grew up and began to want an education, but Kaushan feared he would be found out for what he was, and homeschooled instead. During this peaceful time, he earned the name Fritzy, for his ridiculous hair in the morning, but it quickly shortened to Fritz at his request. On his days off, however, Kau had no right to refuse him without raising suspicion unto himself. He explored the city as much as he could and kept fit on a daily basis. There was a string of robberies on the news one day, leading up to the fateful one where his foster father died, When he found the robbers standing over Kau’s body, looting his project, a burst of monstrous strength caused him to kill them both with savage hammer strikes. He ran off into the city in horror of what he had done for many days until Kendyl found him and brang him back with soothing words. Since then, he continued working in the Smithery, while also challenging any warriors who happened to come across his building, learning sword skills while doing so as well as them telling him a story or two as a brag while he marveled. He eventually started doing one nightly round of patrol, inside and out and it all culminated in a happy routine, him currently being happy exactly where he is, but still with a sense of adventure. The Dreadlords especially interest him with their rogue like
Race: Half-Human, which is what you can see. His other half, Dwarf, contributes to his skills as a Smith.
Personality: Very unresponsive in the morning before his cup of coffee, but after that, relatively well about himself, and eager to help. He really doesn’t know the beginnings of his life, having been too small to remember, and considers them his family, expressing anger at those who insult their craft. Does not like to be treated as a child. He is also very adventurous, always looking for new places in his city.
Job: Smithy’s Apprentice
Hobbies: Going to the Gym so he can keep his arms and back in good shape alongside his daily job of hammering away at metal and forming swords, as well as reading and dropping in at times to the town’s park to catch up on the news in the paper. Sleeping is also a favorite pastime, given his profession.
Plans for Future: Has been taught all he knows by scholars, including ones of the sword, incase he needs to defend himself on the dark streets of Elbion, so he plans to go to the settlement’s college.
Languages: All words needed for transacting known in all languages, but that is it besides Expertise in Human.
Wish: To one day go on an adventure when he is older, and traverse the landscape along with others to visit the dwarves and learn from them to make the masterworked weapons he had seen some of them carry around as they walk past the building.
Metalwork: Can make and repair complicated-ly designed weapons and armor as well as shields when given the right materials and workspace. His skill at fixing complicated tools and weaponry was surprising for the other smithies as he should not be able to do that so young and so inexperienced.
Strength: Being half dwarf, he has above average strength. His muscles have also improved from his job.
Swordsmanship: he learned quite a few moves from the people that come looking for repairs them often being adventurers and warriors
Cunning: Has read every (age appropriate, because he was raised right.) book in his favorite portion of the Elbion library, which contains 300+ books. Talented Mathematician.
Likes: Sweetrolls, Nice people, His gym time, Hot showers, adventure stories, and his job, as well as exploring Elbion and learning all he can about the people and places inside it. Reading scholarly articles from Elbion College is also something he finds nice, as he wishes to go there when he comes of age.
Dislikes: People who would insult Kaushan, his foster father, or even Kendyl, his mentor. Having to share a booth at his favorite inn at lunch with those who have not showered for days and instead chose to eat instead of getting washed up. Impolite manners and Prejudice are two more of his No-Nos. Hurting or Ganging up on people who are defenseless.
Lore: (Continuing)
Meeting Lord Blackwell: (Hasn't ended!)
God was Good: (Rp just started.)

(Portrait by Anna Helme on Artstation, just so you can see how he looks without me having to vaguely describe him in a way that probably would miss something. Also, ignore the armor. That isn’t until he actually adventures. His father had a blonde beard so that will be added later.)
Real Name:
Dune, for his Blonde hair, but he earned the name Fritzy after stumbling to the Smithing House’s table in the morning after quickly getting out of bed and Kendyl, his mentor, saw his hair. He prefers to be called Fritz in public though as to appear more masculine, and the nickname has stuck.
Age: 16 or 17, as his last birthday was August 10th. He is very excited to obtain the privileges of an adult as well as finally graduating to a full swordsmith and armorer next year.
Height: 5’9
Backstory: Dune had no idea who his parents were, given that some particularly angry anti-nonhumanists burned down their home, forcing them to leave him in a chest that survived in the basement. A particularly adventurous blacksmith named Kaushan found him while he was searching for treasure, and he realized there was no other option as he was not heartless and cruel as the others, so he raised him as one of his own, and marveled at Dune’s eagerness for his future craft from the first time he laid his hands on a hammer. Kaushan knew he would grow up just as he was now, and apprenticed him to a Smith with as much fire as he did, named Kendyl. He grew up and began to want an education, but Kaushan feared he would be found out for what he was, and homeschooled instead. During this peaceful time, he earned the name Fritzy, for his ridiculous hair in the morning, but it quickly shortened to Fritz at his request. On his days off, however, Kau had no right to refuse him without raising suspicion unto himself. He explored the city as much as he could and kept fit on a daily basis. There was a string of robberies on the news one day, leading up to the fateful one where his foster father died, When he found the robbers standing over Kau’s body, looting his project, a burst of monstrous strength caused him to kill them both with savage hammer strikes. He ran off into the city in horror of what he had done for many days until Kendyl found him and brang him back with soothing words. Since then, he continued working in the Smithery, while also challenging any warriors who happened to come across his building, learning sword skills while doing so as well as them telling him a story or two as a brag while he marveled. He eventually started doing one nightly round of patrol, inside and out and it all culminated in a happy routine, him currently being happy exactly where he is, but still with a sense of adventure. The Dreadlords especially interest him with their rogue like
Race: Half-Human, which is what you can see. His other half, Dwarf, contributes to his skills as a Smith.
Personality: Very unresponsive in the morning before his cup of coffee, but after that, relatively well about himself, and eager to help. He really doesn’t know the beginnings of his life, having been too small to remember, and considers them his family, expressing anger at those who insult their craft. Does not like to be treated as a child. He is also very adventurous, always looking for new places in his city.
Job: Smithy’s Apprentice
Hobbies: Going to the Gym so he can keep his arms and back in good shape alongside his daily job of hammering away at metal and forming swords, as well as reading and dropping in at times to the town’s park to catch up on the news in the paper. Sleeping is also a favorite pastime, given his profession.
Plans for Future: Has been taught all he knows by scholars, including ones of the sword, incase he needs to defend himself on the dark streets of Elbion, so he plans to go to the settlement’s college.
Languages: All words needed for transacting known in all languages, but that is it besides Expertise in Human.
Wish: To one day go on an adventure when he is older, and traverse the landscape along with others to visit the dwarves and learn from them to make the masterworked weapons he had seen some of them carry around as they walk past the building.
Metalwork: Can make and repair complicated-ly designed weapons and armor as well as shields when given the right materials and workspace. His skill at fixing complicated tools and weaponry was surprising for the other smithies as he should not be able to do that so young and so inexperienced.
Strength: Being half dwarf, he has above average strength. His muscles have also improved from his job.
Swordsmanship: he learned quite a few moves from the people that come looking for repairs them often being adventurers and warriors
Cunning: Has read every (age appropriate, because he was raised right.) book in his favorite portion of the Elbion library, which contains 300+ books. Talented Mathematician.
Likes: Sweetrolls, Nice people, His gym time, Hot showers, adventure stories, and his job, as well as exploring Elbion and learning all he can about the people and places inside it. Reading scholarly articles from Elbion College is also something he finds nice, as he wishes to go there when he comes of age.
Dislikes: People who would insult Kaushan, his foster father, or even Kendyl, his mentor. Having to share a booth at his favorite inn at lunch with those who have not showered for days and instead chose to eat instead of getting washed up. Impolite manners and Prejudice are two more of his No-Nos. Hurting or Ganging up on people who are defenseless.
Lore: (Continuing)
Meeting Lord Blackwell: (Hasn't ended!)
God was Good: (Rp just started.)