Recent content by Feryke

  1. Feryke

    LFG Looking not for the one, but the many

    I happen to finally have a few days off next week, which means that I'll be able to get at least a couple threads started and underway(TM). The first one is likely to be 'Desert's ire' or 'What ails Aleswiht' and I'll probably establish them as a bit of a DM styled campaign where it isn't...
  2. Feryke

    LFG Looking not for the one, but the many

    Thanks for all the interest everyone has expressed. I'll be sure to keep everyone in mind and update all of you on any threads coming up, depending on what you were going for. And as soon as I have some free time I'll try dropping a few messages @ you guys and gals to figure out some of the...
  3. Feryke

    LFG Looking not for the one, but the many

    Hey there. It's me, Feryke, deciding now would be a good time to get a little more involved over here. You may refer to me as Feryke, Ferkle, or Ferkgor the burninator--if you really want to suck up to me. I have been meaning to get into a couple more threads for quite a while now that I've...
  4. Alphonse Duyarte