Recent content by Faye Valimir

  1. Faye Valimir

    Thunder of Thanasis Death in Disguise

    Turning her head to meet the unmistakable visage of Talorgan, she brightened at her new friend's presence. He looked much different to the man she had met first in the Wylds, and that now he had been scrubbed clean and forced into formal attire. "Good gods, I have never seen someone look quite...
  2. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Colour of Broken Hearts

    Talorgan. It did not ring a bell, but he certainly lookd the part of a tribal person than a Thanasian. The fact he had a wyrm and not any dragon breed also painted him as odd in her experience. "I want to travel towards the coast. There is a dragon I am searching for that I can collect...
  3. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Colour of Broken Hearts

    "Yes, I did." She answered without missing a beat. "Packing an entire kit worthy for being out on the field did not see viable to me when salves and vials can keep one alive." This was not her first time out in the Wylds. She had been coming out here for years now, had learned things from the...
  4. Faye Valimir

    Thunder of Thanasis Death in Disguise

    "Your mask!" Delighted a guest, stopping to marvel at Faye. "And that dress! Artisan made..." And then her eyes widened, recognising that the glass beads on her dress, and the perfectly made mask out of glass meant that the woman would be Faye Valimir. "You have a talent! A great talent!"...
  5. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Colour of Broken Hearts

    "We are alright." Faye stood up, one hand resting on the back of her hip as she looked towards the man sliding from his mount. Not a dragon, which surprised her but she did not ask him about it. She knew of this man, knew that he acquired himself a dreq wyrm when his family had dragons of their...
  6. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Colour of Broken Hearts

    "How long until this new guide arrives?" She asked, once again, but doing her best not to look up into the sky and seeing the sun ascending higher. Faye looked to Olenn, who grimaced as he sat with the pain. Crouching, she put the back of her hand to his brow. "You are fine, my friend. You are...
  7. Faye Valimir

    Thunder of Thanasis Death in Disguise

    "Magnificent work..." Baeron Sahar remarked, staring up at the grand chandelier hung high above them all. Faye smiled, plucking a crystal flute from a passing server. "My father had done two thirds of it because he grew too ill. I finished it before he could pass, and it may just be the most...
  8. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Obsoletes

    "For once, I do not see the lives we live to stop us from having a child. In fact, I see it as a purpose to build them a future they can thrive in." Just as Faye had been brought up. There was also the need, the desperate need, to pass on the Valimir talents and keep the art of glass making...
  9. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Obsoletes

    Faye leaned into him, grinning up at her love from within his safety. "I certainly do like your mouth... and some of the words it speaks." She did not shy away from him, but rather leaned up to press a kiss to his cheek. "We will find a perfect home. Perhaps something with an extra room or...
  10. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Obsoletes

    By the end of the evening, Grace had assured them that whichever home they wish to purchase, she would take care of it. Even with her eagerness, her sheer happiness to help and see her niece healthy and well, it did nothing to clear the guilt that still weighed on her. But... it meant a fresh...
  11. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Obsoletes

    Grace pursed her lips and looked between the two, her gaze settling on Faye longer than what was deemed casual. At long last, the older woman took a soft inhale before speaking. "You know I have money set aside to help you with lodgings... I offered in the past, but you need only say the word...
  12. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Obsoletes

    Her aunt gave a good-natured laugh, swatting at Carlyle's arm at his question. Faye smiled because of this, the first real moment of joy in so long that she stepped into her love's side and wound her arms around him to squeeze. "Gods, no. It is a good thing I married rich, I never took to...
  13. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Obsoletes

    Faye's brows furrowed. "Gods no, Carlyle. I do not mean to tell her." A smile quickly uplifted her expression, and the Valimir beauty slipped away from him and began to look through her wardrobe. Everything was here, for there were few garments that needed to be hung up when her everyday gear...
  14. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Obsoletes

    Faye sighed, resting her head against his shoulder as she took a moment to think. "You're right, you're right..." she squeezed her arms around him, borrowing their shared loved for comfort. "We need a home and one that accommodates all our needs." She brought her face back so she could stare...
  15. Faye Valimir

    Private Tales The Obsoletes

    A new home. It should bring her delight, give her assurance that they would be safe, especially in the Palace District where many of her powerful clients resided. Faye looked to her love, a forlorn expression unwavering. Try as she might, she could not bring herself to smile, to kiss Carlyle...