Recent content by Favashi

  1. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi stood for a time simply enjoying the scene of Vaer's wanton destruction as he ripped through the lines of fighters. Soldiers turned from the challengers they were facing towards the sounds of screaming and snarling, hesitating as they decided whether to rush to their comrades aid...
  2. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Brazenly, Favashi ran her fingers through his thick black coat as he came to stand beside her. A smile tugged at her lips as he bestowed his compliment but said nothing more on the matter; what was there to say when she knew it to be true? Prided herself on it even. She released him as he sat...
  3. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi's lips curved into a half smirk. "What do you think all the books in my library are about?" Before Vaer could answer however, the Fury of War got to her feet plucking a grape from the crystal bowl in the centre of the table. "Help yourself to the weaponry room, whatever takes your...
  4. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi smiled noting the direction of his gaze and casually moved the plate a little closer in invitation. "It depends on the Leys," was the only cryptic answer she would give even if prompted another time. Magick worked differently in the Dawn Court, as though the very fabric of the world...
  5. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi drew her braid back over her shoulder and began to play with the ends by twirling them across her lips. "For the Steppes?" she mused aloud as her eyes took on an almost vacant look. Memories of her previous adventures to those war torn plains filled her mind. How long ago had it been...
  6. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi threw back her head and laughed. The suddenness of it caused the nymph who had been standing nearby to attend to their needs as they arose to jump, though she covered it up quickly. Indeed a smile seemed to tug at the maids lips as though her mistresses laughter were an infectious thing...
  7. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi found herself leaning forward, enthralled by this tale of blood and vengeance. Her tea sat forgotten on the table growing cold, her pastry half eaten. Her golden eyes were focused entirely on the male before her. She clasped her hands together and propped her chin upon them like a child...
  8. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi was almost disappointed he had agreed so quickly. Or was this his move? Could she guess his next move by this slight show of hand? She sipped at her tea and watched him like a tiger watching its mark. "Oh, there are plenty of ways," her lips curved in that slow, dangerously inviting...
  9. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    The impassive expression only made the tigers grin grow. "A mortal - a hero if the legends are true - keeps praying to me in the Old Ways. He has asked for me for my favour in the battle in which he fights today," she waved her hand as though it did not matter the semantics of the situation...
  10. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi stretched her golden legs out in front of her and settled back in her chair, raising her own tea cup to her lips to savour the taste and draw out her time to think on her answer. After last night Vaer had started off a whole new game. Cat and mouse had turned into something far more...
  11. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi watched in bemusement as he took in the gardens. The previous night when they had dined outside it had been in the more orderly part of the garden, specifically kept clear so guests would not have to fight their way through venus fly traps to get to a table. The rest of her rolling lands...
  12. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    The House and Gardens bent to Vaer's desires taking him through three curious rooms - an armoury, a lavish bedroom with silk sheets that seemed to beckon, and a sunroom where an easel sat facing one of the large arched windows - before spitting him out onto the terrace. Wild blooms and ivy hung...
  13. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    I have never feared what you are, Favashi. The Fury of War raised a coy brow and a mischievous smirk tugged at the corners of her lips. There were multiple examples she could conjure without prodding where Vaer had looked nothing but afraid of her. It was very hard to deny the pounding of a...
  14. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi found herself unable to tear herself away from his eyes. They had been one of the first things that had captivated her about him. Such a unique shade that changed with every type of light. Walking the lantern lit halls however made her decide it was by firelight she liked them best. The...
  15. Favashi

    Private Tales She Who Dares, Wins

    Favashi had been vaguely aware that the dog-fae had governed themselves in some ordered fashion, but she had never really paid much attention to it. Order made her yawn. But she politely listened to Vaer explain it to her because it sounded as though he were proud of it. Why, she was not sure...