Recent content by FallenLeafFiend

  1. FallenLeafFiend

    Beware gutters!

    Can't find an entry on that xD plus demons have sooo many subspecies... I feel like I will spend a lot of my free time writing wiki entries here.
  2. FallenLeafFiend

    Beware gutters!

    Yeah I figured as much out :P I am looking through the species books right now. Are there demons in this fantasy world? Because I feel like there should be some for anyone with dark magical powers to summon :P
  3. FallenLeafFiend

    Beware gutters!

    I'm honestly not... I could come up with one lickidy split. But I am not sure how this place operates. xD I am used to writing on forums where I would do one on one RP's with all the world-building being done with me and my partner. So this is a little bit intimidating. I am trying to figure out...
  4. FallenLeafFiend

    Beware gutters!

    Ever since that day Urchin tried to fill the hole the door handle had left in his heart. Using his trusty crowbar, one doorknob at a time. But no matter how many potato sacks he filled up with them they did not fill that gap. I feel like I am missing something on the street rat thing. Is that...
  5. FallenLeafFiend

    Beware gutters!

    Oh I love that xD he or she would need a tragic backstory involving heartbreak, drama, and toilet doorknobs.
  6. FallenLeafFiend

    Beware gutters!

    The FallenLeafFiend is here I have to say I am sick of summer. I want autumn to roll around and finally allow me the chance to actually wear clothing without wishing I could get out of them. I am definitely not new to RPing :) started about 6 years ago and learned English while doing so. It has...