Recent content by Faravain

  1. Faravain

    Dreadlords How Many Dead Men

    A strange sensation trembled up Fain’s spine as he craned his neck to look up at a massive domed structure in the midst of the city ruins. Hair on his arms and the back of his neck stood on end. A chill seeped through him. “We should not walk where demons tread,” he whispered to himself. The...
  2. Faravain

    Dreadlords How Many Dead Men

    Fain and the other two soldiers spread out in a search pattern, despite a shared concern over how vulnerable it made them. Isolated, they could be picked off and engaged alone. Together, they stood a chance, even against a Dreadlord like Henk. Though, likely one or more of them would die in...
  3. Faravain

    Dreadlords How Many Dead Men

    “As you will, Lady Urahil.” Fain inclined his head in deference and didn’t bother to correct the noble. He watched, concern evident on his features as he wondered if she would try to use her battlemage magics to heal the entire city of ruins. It is too much, thought. Fain’s horse began...
  4. Faravain

    Dreadlords How Many Dead Men

    Dutifully, Fain and the other two guardsmen remained atop their mounts. Despite his earlier calmness, Fain's hand moved to rest atop his sword and his eyes narrowed. Something seemed off about this Dreadlord Henk... but were they not all? Darkness fluttered across Fain's heart, a raven's...
  5. Faravain

    Dreadlords Zeph's super mega awesome funtime party extro... extrava... shindig!

    A sudden commotion came from within the old chapel, followed by the stomp of running feet. Fain’s brows rose and he walked inside the chapel to see a gaggle of what appeared to be initiates, with some of them sprinting off away from him. The guard grimaced and rubbed the back of his head...
  6. Faravain

    Dreadlords How Many Dead Men

    More crunching of obsidian shards sounded in the silent city as three Eastern Army Guardsmen rode atop their chargers, surrounding a lone Dreadlord in their midst. The Guardsmen were girded in plate and armed with swords and shields. At their lead rode Fain. He held up a hand as they spotted a...
  7. Faravain

    Dreadlords Zeph's super mega awesome funtime party extro... extrava... shindig!

    Guardsman did not patrol the grounds alone. At least, protocol said they should not. Fain did anyway. Clad in the usual armor of an Anirian Guardsman from the Eastern Army. Referred to by others affectionately, or with derision by Northern veterans, as the Homeguard. Mind apparently lost in...
  8. Fain

  9. Faravain

    Open Chronicles Twilight Gods

    Xal finished. Another spoke, emerging from the treeline. Dûvain's pale gray gaze narrowed on the newcomer and his lips parted as if to speak. But he needn't have. Feyrith spoke first. "It is my choice, my gift to our people, who are you to deprive me of it?" said the sacrifice-in-waiting...
  10. Faravain

    Open Chronicles Twilight Gods

    An elf all in white stepped forward from the circle and into the midst. Dûvain did not speak. Words could not convey meaning for this moment. He could not speak. Could not trust his emotions to betray him in the moment. Even now he felt it, the constricting of the throat. His eyes passed from...
  11. Faravain

    Open Chronicles Twilight Gods

    In the darkest reaches of the Falwood they gathered. The outcasts. The lost. The hate-filled-blind. Centuries of war with the humans had cost them homes, families, and even limbs. Although generations ago to the men of Anir, there were those amidst the Falwood who remembered what was done to...
  12. The Siege of Alliria

  13. Faravain

    Completed The Despoiling of Alliria

    A kick pushed Khurash backward, then the entire world rumbled. The earth shook and the sky blackened and there came the crack of wood and the sundering of stone. The force of it was such that Khurash was hurled to the ground. He rose as the shaking subsided, blood streaming from his wounds and...
  14. Faravain

    Completed The Despoiling of Alliria

    The axehead snapped with a sharp report, splinters flying off as it fell apart in Khurash' hand. Close as Khurash was to the knight's body, kneeling on one knee, a swipe at the orc's throat was not possible. Nevertheless, the blade came on toward Khurash's body, even as the knight stepped up and...
  15. Faravain

    Completed The Despoiling of Alliria

    Powerful indeed were these paladins, with bodies clad in plate and chain and horses similarly armored. What foe could stand firm against their charge? Yet, while they did wield lance and verily did they thrust and stab, the wargs and their riders held advantages they did not. Could horses leap...