Recent content by Ereven Theruvanen

  1. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales The Road Which Bears the Wanderer

    The correction left Ereven slightly speechless, as it seemed to defy conventional logic, but these were two young lovers, and as he'd known from saving one-too-many a lost human lover, both male and female, the heart was hardly a rational thing. "My apologies; I suppose it would be strange to...
  2. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales The Road Which Bears the Wanderer

    There was much to ask, but for the moment, Ereven was happy to accept the Strider from Taliyah. He could certainly afford a horse, but these days he wandered not to go from place to place, but to distract himself from his grief and his aching soul. So too were these travelers another...
  3. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales The Road Which Bears the Wanderer

    Though Arastan's tone was jovial, and Taliyah's was similarly joyous--as two betrothed perhaps should be--he shared little of their enthusiasm, for his was a road devoid of such happiness, and had been for longer than most mortals could even remember. "Safety in numbers oft means safety only...
  4. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales The Road Which Bears the Wanderer

    Noting the guards, Ereven suspected that the wish for his company was, at least not initially, tied to his skill-at-arms, which gave him some relief as well; he'd spent his early years working as a sellsword of sorts, but he was a seasoned adventurer and fighter of more years than most mortals...
  5. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales The Road Which Bears the Wanderer

    Ereven waited for the two to introduce themselves before continuing, taking a moment to consider his opposition should they turn out to be hostile, though this was highly unlikely given they had helped against the wolves--such acts of treachery and deceit had happened to him on more occasions...
  6. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales The Road Which Bears the Wanderer

    He closed his eyes. Not today, then. Ereven's concentration was broken by the sudden whistling of arrows through the trees, striking some of the dire wolves. Some fell, others ran at their wounds; the one in the center, however, stayed. It bared its teeth at Ereven now, too focused on the elf...
  7. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales The Road Which Bears the Wanderer

    Sunlight peeked through some of the treetops above the wooded road where Ereven had been traveling, down to the dirt path and small scrub below. Trees of various sizes and heights surrounded the elven warrior in his teal mirthril plate armor, towering above him and providing the cover of verdant...
  8. Ereven Theruvanen

    LFG A Royal Wedding

    Ereven is a warrior of almost legendary skill at this point; he doesn't quite fit into the mold of nobility, but his existence might be of some interest to some of the nobles who might see value in having a capable warrior in their service, or otherwise working for them. He could even be hired...
  9. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales Those That Carry On

    The sage nodded at Ánië's answer. His eyes remained shut as they began to speak, their voice seemingly echoed as a magical energy began to circle the druidic stones in the center of the terrace. "Though you be a daughter of elven blood, my eyes cannot see you. You speak of memories, and of...
  10. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales Those That Carry On

    Ereven simply nodded at her assertion about Taluei. "It is as if my own soul were cleaved in twain," he said. "Yet I must not dwell on it. For now, I have purpose, and that purpose lies with you. We should finish here, and then seek out Tanendir." He would quietly finish his meal after that...
  11. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales Those That Carry On

    Ereven's plate arrived not too long after Ánië's, with some fresh venison and a variety of different roasted vegetables to eat. He didn't much care for fine cuisine, even though dinners like these were the majority of what he'd eaten for most of the time he'd been alive. Being in a large city...
  12. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales Those That Carry On

    He watched Ánië's face with interest, his brows narrowing as she spoke of a harrowing tale and some distant past--at least to her memory--and a faraway land from whence she came. It seemed such memories were distressing as her face contorted in familiar expressions of sadness and suffering...
  13. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales Those That Carry On

    Ereven followed the path back to an inn by Ánië's side--or perhaps she was by his. It didn't matter, really, as he was regardless thankful for the company as he embarked on this mission of remembrance. There was a specific comfort in having an elven companion again, as there were many realities...
  14. Ereven Theruvanen

    Private Tales Those That Carry On

    "Then we go," he said. They made their way through the elven streets towards the burial grounds. Around him, the elven architecture felt strangely unfamiliar, as he had been away so long from Fal'Addas that his memory of the city was failing him. The road that winded through the city resembled...
  15. Ereven Theruvanen

    Fable - Ask Riders at Dawn, Swords by Sundown

    Ereven listened intently to the conversation between the two from a good distance away; however, his concentration was broken as the sound of footsteps, small and measured broke not too far away from his own position. He silently drew his bow; it was a quarry he'd taken more times than he could...