Recent content by Erën

  1. Erën

    Aeraesar When All is Said and Done

    In the Aftermath... Walking through the wreckage in the streets, he feigned a strength he did not have. He feigned the uprightness in his back as though it always was. He feigned the strength in his countenance. He denied the burning in his body, the weakness in his lungs... He needed to be...
  2. Erën

    Aeraesar Who Says Aerai Eyes are Blue

    His eyes lingered on the pearl for a time, and then he offered it back to her. "Then you've staved off no small number of the beasts." Erën was not as privy to the inner workings of the gwathui as Hilte seemed to be, but he could identify their outward distinctions well enough. There were many...
  3. Erën


    I counter with 4 months. My original thought with the 6 month pitch, was that if we had 3, not necessarily associated folks, they're gonna need some time to collaborate. With this, we're looking at a situation with much more acquainted writers. But I still think they will need some time to...
  4. Erën

    Announcement February posters of the month

    And yet another FAILURE... Me looking at my brain cells:
  5. Erën

    Aeraesar Who Says Aerai Eyes are Blue

    Gwathui Pearls. He himself did not know the like, and for all he knew, most Aerai had the same regard for their fallen foes as he had. To leave them where they lay, and let them rot and return, untouched after death. It was not in any regard of respect, or ever reverence for the dead as whole...
  6. Erën

    LOA for a friend

    Hey guys. Just posting this here on behalf of Abigail Grimm. She will be M.I.A for an as of yet undetermined time, likely a week or more. She just wanted to make sure the word got out so no one was wondering.
  7. Erën

    Aeraesar Who Says Aerai Eyes are Blue

    It was odd. Even in his time apart, it was... not. He could hear the whispers in his dreams, the soothing melodies, the washing of distant waters upon barren shores. Even in his time apart, it was not. So readily had his mind ever reached. So desperate had that urge to rekindle, grown. Even he...
  8. Erën

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    "Nonsense," he replied, his sword sliding firmly into its sheath once again, "by way of flight it will already be long beyond our grasp. We cannot hope to follow it now." He approached, and from afar surveilled her, "you and I both should rest for a time, and find out what we can from the...
  9. Erën

    Aeraesar Who Says Aerai Eyes are Blue

    As though they know something. His eyes slowly drifted downward. Shrewd. But of course she was, she was an Aerai. And, though he could not say he recognized her presence - let only feel it within the collective, he felt there was something kindred in her, more-so beyond those he could share...
  10. Erën

    Aeraesar Who Says Aerai Eyes are Blue

    His eyes were drawn to her, her succinct speech, her unbothered presence. Even he, honed and singular and strong as he was... he could not dissuade himself from the dread, he could not be so unafflicted by the past. By the others. "We have made ground," he said, taking a step forward, "and many...
  11. Erën

    Open Chronicles Sorrow in Sincorino

    There was a certain dread to it all, far too obvious he began to feel. It drew him further down the shore, but the brief hesitation allowed for this stranger to gather his things proved to be advantageous. Were they to depart in that moment as Erën had urged, then what drew up from the waters...
  12. Erën

    Discussion Question of the Month!

    Grommok asked me why I created him. I said Grommok smash.
  13. Erën

    Discussion Question of the Month!

    I've been giving this question some thought myself, and, thought a little too deeply about it. I imagined basically the scene from The Dark Knight, where Batman sits down and "interrogates" the Joker. So I sat down with Arkhivom. The conversation between he and I was... interesting. He asked...
  14. Erën

    Discussion Question of the Month!

    I'm gonna post questions here, monthly, if people like it. SO here we gooo. Question: You, personally, are given the chance to sit down and have a conversation with one, or several of your characters. Who are they, are how do you imagine the conversation playing out?