It seemed that Asa had a different way of getting answers out of the Lich, one that involved more guile and less intimidation. That's the problem fools are always so stupid that you can't scare them to get what you want, no instead, you have to trick them into using their ego against themselves...
His attack had failed...completely. "A mask. Who would have figured?" An eruption of sizzling liquid forced the Lich to sacrifice his hands in service of his ruby, his lifeforce that must be protected above all else. His mistress had given him his orders to destroy these two intruders and he...
A plan of attack? Already?! If nothing else Asa is consistent, that being his uncanny ability to come up with battle plans while being stabbed. Now that she thought about it they seemed to get stabbed a lot. Noted. A chop of her alabaster hand cut the hellish boot holding Asa down dissolving the...
Enca winced as she saw Asa charge forward after narrowly escaping the chains summoned by their foe his intent as unclear to her as the nothingness she grasped between her fingers. Where a bright red ruby should have been there was only a thick cloud of smoke black and hiding whatever foul energy...
As the inhumanly strong smack sent her cheek bouncing up and down with a red print burned into it the Alabaster woman slowly turned around with the creepiest smile one could have ever seen. This was a face that had been the downfall of many, an unholy gaze that's the end of days and let the...
The slap delivered to her rump had Enca truly worried for Asa’s well-being and her checkup once they were done here. If that’s the best he can do then she doubts he’ll be the partner she’s been hyped up for this whole endeavor.
"Again. And do it right this time. If I don't feel a print you...
Enca scowled at the mere idea but her face soon returned to a smile transparent of her desire. "You will do no such thing lest I be disappointed." Now she had to deal with the Drow siblings and the injuries they had sustained. While Asa tended to the girl she shunted across the hallway, Enca...
Enca's golden eyes narrowed and a sly grin split her face allowing her razor-like teeth to poke through. "And what allow you to see our puppetmaster without me? Sorry Asa but I make a habit of looking at those who try to kill me." The vampire quickly fell in step behind Asa her nose seeing Estel...
Enca felt her claws dig into the stone wall above her fingers squealing as they supported not just hers but Asa's weight all by themselves. If not for her powers it was doubtful Enca would have even been able to last this long. All around them a sea of shadow furiously struck at the duo before...
Despite her attempts to warn him, Asa seemed intent on being struck by the enemy his reasons being his own she supposed. Now riddled with bolts from every direction, Enca took a note of her injuries drawing a mental line between her wounds and the point from where they fired. This info may have...
Enca's arms became a blur of speed and power as they created an impenetrable fan of defense around her and Asa striking down any who approached with a well-timed chop. A wave of fury came over Enca as her eyes examined the dolls a surge of repressed memories washing over her. "That night..."...
"Come on...let go! So annoying! Get off my line!" Splintered and flying across the room a wooden object made its way toward the duo their combined strength too much for the...doll? Yes, a doll small and wooden collapsed on the floor its head ripped apart and a bundle of wires flowing from what...
Peeling back her top Enca had a look at the ward a dull green glow burning at its edges. "It's the same with me...are we in danger? This means we're in danger right?" She knew something was up with those stairs! And now because she had refused to trust her instincts the duo were in danger...
"This had better work then. I guard my heart rather closely..." Enca stood quietly as the rune was marked on her flesh the warm sensation that followed a rarity she saw in Wards. Normally her encounters with wards were with ones designed to keep her kind out. Rarely does someone erect a ward to...
Enca wasn't honestly sure of what she was expecting but...yeah that sounds about right. The Cambion are a sort of folklore shared amongst parents to their children as a reminder to stay away from strangers. Many a soul has been burned at the stake or drowned in a river when the hatred of the...
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