Recent content by Emmeryn

  1. Emmeryn

    LFG - Quest I have part of a plan

    You know, depending on certain things, Emmeryn could be a good fit (although the sun bothers her whoops) but I also have a lil treasure hunter Izara who could probably be molded in here decently good. (: you know I’m always game for lil group shenanigans
  2. Emmeryn

    Fate - First Reply Where You Don't Belong

    A wolfish grin appeared on Emmeryn’s face, and without asking, she brought a lean yet strong arm around Raphael’s shoulders, drawing him in close. Leaning her head to his, her lips were centimeters away from his ear. “I know a good place for you.” Emmeryn’s voice had dropped an octave, a slight...
  3. Emmeryn

    Fate - First Reply Where You Don't Belong

    Emmeryn, although she didn’t show it, was impressed with Raphael’s display of magic. “I’m assuming you don’t want a simple augmentation tonic,” she said. Of course, why would anyone want a limited resource that only boosted arcane might for a moment? Not a young lad at least, or so Emmeryn was...
  4. Emmeryn

    Fate - First Reply Where You Don't Belong

    Unsavory magic? What an interesting term to use. Emmeryn didn’t move from her spot, instead raising a dark brow inquisitively. She beckoned Raphael over to her with a single finger in a flawless come hither motion, the smirk still evident on her lips. When Raphael would make his way to Emmeryn...
  5. Emmeryn

    Fate - First Reply Where You Don't Belong

    “Always good to be home,” Emmeryn murmured, despite no one welcoming her with open arms. Well, her business partner might, or rather, he would be hunched over a tome to only sign to Emmeryn that she was breaking his concentration or she needed to get out. He rarely ever gestured anything...
  6. Emmeryn

    Private Tales A Night Out

    She took the glass! The vampire’s full lips pulled upward in a confident smile, and, without asking for permission, she took to sitting on the couch. Emmeryn faced Larewen, her knees pointed towards the pale-skinned vampire. All of her focus was on her and Emmeryn hardly felt the need to turn...
  7. Emmeryn

    Private Tales A Night Out

    Alliria was very different to the Bayou, that was an irrefutable fact at this point. Emmeryn didn’t come to this large city often, even if it was the greatest center of trade in Liadin, perhaps all of Arethil. Although, the Bayou was really were one should go if they wanted the good stuff. Or at...
  8. Sivan