Recent content by Elinyra Derwinthir

  1. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    Her steps staggered when her dance partner abruptly paused. the music settled into something milder. A reflection of the fae's mood, she mused. She took a moment to consider his words as she tried to get the timing of this new rhythm. "What a strange thing... choice," she replied softly with a...
  2. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    Elinyra may have had a lineage of elven grace, but it was no comparison to Sedorohein's movements -- as if the air was carrying his body, down to each strand of hair floating in perfect coordination. She just went along for the ride, enjoying each dip and swing of the dance. One by one, the...
  3. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    Elinyra smiled as she took his offered hand, not noticing the small white flowers that had sprouted from her hair at random intervals. She couldn't remember the last time she'd danced, but the music's lively rhythm found her feet yearning to move, and the fragrant evening air invited all to...
  4. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    "I'm looking forward to seeing more of it," she commented with a chuckle, soaking in all of the evening's joyous clamor. Battle cries and laughter echoed from a small meadow that adjoined the road, where the children were having a play-fight with sticks. This was not an unusual sight, unlike the...
  5. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    "A ripe ffrwythwy is quite good, depending on how you feel about the texture. And, well, I wouldn't quite call it 'wine', but some of the brews we've been experimenting with are decent... or at least interesting," she said. She moved to put Fielynn back in her basket, but with all the excitement...
  6. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    Elinyra's heart had been trapped in an arctic Spring, still semi-frozen in winter's grasp even as the light that was her new daughter shone on the horizon. But now, as magical energy came coursing through her once again, she saw summer come roaring in with all the might of a wildfire. Within...
  7. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    There was great power in a true name: this was something Elinyra had some experience with, and so she understood the gravity of the agreement they'd made. "Sedorohein," she whispered, although she knew no one else would hear what she had spoken. Even the breeze would keep this profound secret...
  8. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    Regardless of whether or not they could hear the words, most of the gathering burst into cheers. The landscape itself almost seemed to brighten a bit, as if a dreary morning fog had been driven away by liquid sunlight pouring down each shivering tree branch. Fielynn cooed as she returned into...
  9. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    Elinyra gaped at Carnaduin for a moment in honest surprise, while her desire to help her child wrestled with the instinctual fear of uncertainty. She could feel the gazes all around burning into her while they waited to see what her response would be. If she could take that trusting first step...
  10. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    The gathering was a patchwork tapestry of bittersweet emotion: eagerness, doubt, desperation, confusion. A hush of combined consideration followed Carnaduin's proposal, a hesitancy that blossomed into cautious optimism. It was plain that they all wanted to believe, but some allowed themselves...
  11. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    Eerie music floated in the warm afternoon air, calling like the first birds of spring after a long and dismal winter. One by one, the residents dropped what they were working on and stepped out of their homes, drawn out of curiosity -- or perhaps even a waking instinct to the presence of a...
  12. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    Mannan had nothing more to say as Elinyra and Carnaduin left his humble cottage. Elinyra was especially grateful for the conversation's end; she had expected Mannan to die on his lonely hill, but to see how strong his dedication was to that end even when help was offered -- or was it simply...
  13. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    "I've already seen some of the potential of this blight. I don't care to see more of it, especially not out in the wider world. We are mostly simple folk here, just living the lives we are given to the best of our ability. The last thing we need is pity." As with their previous discussions...
  14. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    Mannan's brushy eyebrows both raised in simultaneous surprise before falling so low on his forehead that it looked like his eyes had taken refuge beneath them. Otherwise his expression didn't betray whatever he felt at Carnaduin's cutting remark. Well, Elinyra thought, if he's wanting a...
  15. Elinyra Derwinthir

    Private Tales A Fault Not In Our Stars

    Mannan ran a hand through his mossy tangle of beard. "Hmmm." He walked toward the fireplace in his same steady, unrushed pace, picked up a stick sitting nearby, and poked the bare embers that remained from last night's fire as he mulled over his visitor's words. Sparks crackled as he added a...