Recent content by Eae

  1. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    As the young man spoke, gently offering me his jacket, I felt an incredibly sudden, overpowering need for comfort. Accepting the jacket and hugging it to my chest with one hand, I found the other hand reaching up to clutch at his shirt, not entirely voluntarily. I just needed closeness, comfort...
  2. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    I heard movement, going still as I waited to see what was going on. Bitch, what the hell have you done?! Panic coursed through my veins, even though my own blood no longer did. There was no fluttering breath, no pounding heart. What was happening? Why couldn't I feel my own body functioning...
  3. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    This was it. It had begun not this morning, when I had drawn the circle, nor the previous night, when I'd captured the sacrifice. It hadn't even begun weeks ago when the idea had first occurred to me. This has begun years ago, the moment Eae and I had split. This was my purpose, the reason I...
  4. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    I don't have a lot of empathy. That's the advantage, I suppose, of having only half a soul. Eae and I basically got different portions of it; those that would helps us each serve our purpose better. I make decisions. I fight. I'm brave, I don't hesitate. As a result, I don't really feel bad for...
  5. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    Perhaps I was just too tightly wound, perhaps it was because I was so incredibly nervous about the upcoming ritual. Maybe it was my straining to keep Eae asleep... or possibly it really had been so long since we had let anyone so close and so intimate to us. But when Vigil placed his hands on...
  6. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    I took in a deep breath and let it out, closing my eyes for a moment and centering myself. Vigil moved across the room, brandishing his blade and without a word, cutting into my captive. I stiffened, but bit back an outburst. This was exactly what I'd hired him to do; to sink his strange...
  7. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    To say the cabin was humble would be an accurate statement. nestled within the marshes beyond the village, sitting within the thick blanket of mist that rolled across the wetlands, sat the low wooden building. Even from the outside it looked rickety. The marsh had clearly begun to try and...
  8. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    Vigil... handed back my tome. Not exactly what I had wanted, but I accepted the book nonetheless, tucking it back into its place before beginning towards the hut. He wasn't exactly the most socially apt, but as I considered the thought, I realised that it was unlikely for him to be. Who would...
  9. Eae

    Nope... No liches here. Be on your way

    Nope... No liches here. Be on your way
  10. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    This ritual will not fix anything. Oh? How could he possibly know that? Who was this man who dare presume to know what it would and would not fix? How could he stand there and presume to make a judgement call on a decision to which I had already come? I could feel the white hot anger rising...
  11. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    I watched as the Kavosh took the book from my hands. The silence descending around us was interrupted only by the tiniest sigh of relief as the cursed book was removed from my hands. You'd think that I went through some kind of hell to get it, that it was hidden behind traps and guardians...
  12. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    There it was. I held his gaze as he spoke those last few words, saying nothing. The silence stretched out between us as my gaze burned into his. I didn't say it out loud, I didn't say anything out loud. But that silence, the weight of it, the attention drawn to it, should have been all the...
  13. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    "Vigil," I repeated the name, reaching out to take the offered hand. My own would be soft and warm in comparison, a fact that gave me pause for a moment. This would likely be the very last time anyone might ever find my touch pleasant. If everything went according to plan, this body would die...
  14. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    The irony of our meeting was not lost on me. A Kavosh... the bad omens of the world, meeting with a being that appeared as an angel? It could have been a meeting between heaven and hell, if you believed such. This was why I was in charge right now. Apart from her not having the strength to do...
  15. Eae

    Private Tales A Broken Halo

    Do trees breathe? I liked to think so. Eae... the other me, she's thoroughly convinced of it. Probably not physical breath like we do, but, in a spiritual sense, I would imagine they do. Even if they didn't, it would be pretty simple for the Kavosh to figure out that I meant the dead tree...