Recent content by Diedra Rhawen

  1. Diedra Rhawen

    Private Tales Word of Mouth

    Her skin turned that same bright pink it had been when they were drinking earlier in the night. Sharing her first kiss with someone she had only just met simply because she was lonely was embarrassing. But apologizing afterwards because she didn't know how he'd react was mortifying. She felt...
  2. Diedra Rhawen

    Private Tales Word of Mouth

    Her attempts to move the conversation beyond her music failed much to her dismay. She gripped the lute tightly as he stood up and moved close to her. "I'm not scared...." His smile was comforting to a degree, but she couldn't indulge him in the ending he asked for. "I just....I can't...I...
  3. Diedra Rhawen

    Private Tales Word of Mouth

    "Hate to interrupt the fun, but I found that instrument I told you about." "Huh?" Diedra was stopped dancing, pulled from her music before it could conclude. A bit disappointing, but it seemed to be the trend as of late. Every melody she brought to life either ended before its conclusion or...
  4. Diedra Rhawen

    Private Tales Word of Mouth

    "Hmmm..." She frowned. "I suppose it makes sense, but how or why would someone tell you a secret? That's the whole point of secrets, isn't it? It would be a betrayal of trust and that is unforgiveable." It was, perhaps, not the answer Addako would want to hear, but Diedra was only being...
  5. Diedra Rhawen

    Private Tales Word of Mouth

    "Oh of course, you don't have to tell me now but you will have to tell me at some point. I can only hold my curiosity for so long." She was as threatening as a helpless baby bunny as she made an attempt to warn him that this wasn't the last she'd hear of his past. It was also a not-so-subtle...
  6. Diedra Rhawen

    Private Tales Word of Mouth

    "I take it you've been here before, then Addako?" She raised an eyebrow as he addressed the bartender. "Is this where you were headed when you bumped into me?" She listened quietly as he spoke before interjecting. "Oh Autumn? Is it really that bad there? I've never been there myself, but...
  7. Diedra Rhawen

    Private Tales Word of Mouth

    She smiled as he linked arms with her, her naturally blushed cheeks going a shade brighter. She couldn't help it. The slightest bit of attention from any man and the poor girl was head over heels for them. She looked up at him for a moment before staring at the cobblestone pathways. Lady...
  8. Diedra Rhawen

    Private Tales Word of Mouth

    She maintained her position, unmoving as the crowds pushed their way past them. Should I be worried? We barely bumped into one another and he's acting like he's offended me. She wondered to herself, her big lilac eyes locked onto him. More than anything, she was confused. Perhaps he's seen...
  9. Diedra Rhawen

    Private Tales A Lilting Impression

    Off-stage, Diedra cursed quietly. Nearly all of the pieces had been prepared weeks to months in advance aside from the last one. The ending she couldn't figure out. She tried different chords, different melodies, but nothing fit. It was annoying. She never had any issues figuring out what...
  10. Diedra Rhawen

    Private Tales Word of Mouth

    She walked slowly. She always did, nose up to the sky as though she were looking for a shooting star. Paying no mind to the crowded streets with people weaving in and out, she hummed to herself. A melody had been stuck in her head for days and she couldn't figure out an ending that was...
  11. Diedra Rhawen