Recent content by Die Shize

  1. Die Shize

    A Break

    Our interactions have been limited to OOC Discord but, by that merit alone, you strike me not only as an active member but a true member of the community and I hope your muse returns to you as days give way.
  2. Die Shize

    Human Specimen Approaches!

    Welcome, welcome!
  3. Die Shize

    I accidentally stumbled here ...

    Valucre, you say, hear hear, and maybe that's a revisit in a DM if you recognize my name, but welcome to this here site!
  4. Die Shize

    Stepping Into Legends, Crafting New Fates

    Welcome! What a welcome.
  5. Die Shize

    *Tap Tap* Is this thing on?

    Look who it is...just when Tap thought Tap tapped out...they tapped Tap back in!
  6. Die Shize

    Hiatus, but with reruns maybe!

    Broadcasts are good and so are breaks. Be sure to share more coffee! Thanks!
  7. Die Shize

    Hello :)

    Koala is a great name! Welcome to Chronicles and enjoy your stay!
  8. Die Shize

    Thank you all.

    Frank, I know I'm late and you may never read this but, frankly, you were one of the first members I encountered when I joined Chronicles and those memorable times are, for me at least, mutual. I won't forget your presence even as my own ends. Thanks, Frank, and I wish you all the best in your...
  9. Die Shize

    New Kid in the Village

    This place has lore galore, a fantastic map (hey with or without improvements I dig it lol) and plenty of fantasy and adventure. Welcome!
  10. Die Shize


    My OCD self is catching up on introductions and returns so I wanted to just say welcome back! We've threaded, we've chatted, and on both fronts it was fun so may your writes give you just as much.
  11. Die Shize

    Good news and Bad news

    Totally get that. Not spinning this on me by any means but I get it as I’m in my own boat with it. It happens. Glad that you’re otherwise still sailing and maybe a break is all you need. I had a blast in our thread, it really just became this organic adventure, in large part because you’re a...
  12. Die Shize

    -A wild Hex appears-

    NERD is my middle name. (not really but i may change it) Those are some stellar titles you have listed. WELCOME!
  13. Die Shize

    Return of Haze

    Welcome welcome back!
  14. Die Shize

    Hello! Newbie here

    Heyyyyyyy! Welcome! I think you came to the right place for your fantasy fix. Have at it!
  15. Die Shize

    Greetings to You All: NATHAN IS BACK.

    Heyyyy welcome back! We still need to thread again when we both have a window!