Recent content by Daryon Nhalaryn

  1. Daryon Nhalaryn

    The Syzygy The Dance of the Moon Dragons

    Daryon shook his head at his sister before smiling. "A new acquaintance I have made, Cress. Meet Satia Lyris. She has a black dragon, and therefore an ally." He grinned, giving Satia a smile. "You come here with family, Miss Lyris?" Satia Lyris Cress Nhalaryn
  2. Daryon Nhalaryn

    The Syzygy The Dance of the Moon Dragons

    Upon spotting his sister, he clicked his tongue and gave a sharp exhale of breath. Unceremoniously, Daryon slipped his hand into the crook of Satia's arm and pulled her along, intercepting Cress before she made return to their siblings. "Cress." His brows set in a severe line, unhappy she...
  3. Daryon Nhalaryn

    The Syzygy The Dance of the Moon Dragons

    His mother had always taught him to be kind, to be receptive to all if he wanted to make a good lord. And so, he donned a polite smile as Satia shook his hand. "Forgive me, but I do not seem to remember if we have met before. I am not often deployed with the Thunder, but I like keeping up with...
  4. Daryon Nhalaryn

    The Syzygy The Dance of the Moon Dragons

    Daryon barely stumbled, looking at the one that bumped into him. Recognition did not register with him as to her identity, other then the fact that she looked back towards a dragon, and Daryon began to piece together who she was... "Lyraxis." Oh well, he was close. He knew of the black dragon...
  5. Daryon Nhalaryn

    Fable - Ask Big Birthday Bash

    Handsome, at least that had never changed! "Excellent. Promise to help fend off the daughters of the other Houses and rich families, won't you?" His mother no doubt would achieve this alone, but it was nice to include his sister. He didn't want his birthday to be about marriage, only that he...
  6. Daryon Nhalaryn

    Fable - Ask Big Birthday Bash

    The day passedby uneventful with his Nhalaryn family, who regarded him with stiff speech and aloof expressions. Hunting was no real celebration, but Daryon and Kasaerys were successful in their pursuit of killing a pack of Jarlaxes. He returned home, dressed in finery no doubt set out by his...
  7. Daryon Nhalaryn

    The Syzygy The Dance of the Moon Dragons

    "Just... keep a distance from the Malennis', at least this night." Feet from the Nhalaryn children stood Aeron and Basilius Malennis, who know were engaged in a low, heated discussion. "Keep your conversations with Eira brief... if you can get past her guard dog that is." Daryon spied the Chosen...
  8. Daryon Nhalaryn

    Fable - Ask Big Birthday Bash

    "Morning, Cress." Daryon shot his sister a grin through the reflection of the mirror. "Please tell our mother I no longer need her snooping in on me. I am awake, dressed, and ready to tend to the Nhalaryn traditions of the Heir's nameday." It was simply a hunting trip, upon the backs of their...
  9. Daryon Nhalaryn

    The Syzygy The Dance of the Moon Dragons

    "It's just a bunch of fucking dragons, flying in the sky." Daryon rolled his eyes at his younger siblings that lifted their heads to gaze up to the darkened sky, Moon Dragons soaring in the distance or directly above the city. "There is nothing so spe---" And there was Eira Malennis, whipping...
  10. Daryon Nhalaryn

    Fable - Ask Big Birthday Bash

    Daryon was already dressed and pacing his room as his attendant began listing the duties still needing tending to for the festivities in his honour. It was his nameday, and he felt as if the fanfare on this day to be tenfold. It should be his day of becoming Lord of the House, now that he was...
  11. Daryon Nhalaryn