Recent content by Curcurbita

  1. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

    "Another please!" Curcurbita had already consumed five Brownie Ales, a crystal Chardonnay and he was pretty sure a couple of sizzler tips. As the latest drink was passed to his hands he raised it as he had every drink before. "To the Erlking and his generosity, *hic* may it flo *hic* flow...
  2. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Gnirebmemer!

    Thirty minutes later... "Oh, I agree full heartedly, this is a splendid view and you have it all to yourself." He could see the whole city from the balcony. Lights flickering like a sea of stars in the dark. A drink was brought and he took it in a gnarled hand. "I'm so sorry, but I have...
  3. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Gnirebmemer!

    One hour previous... This was terrible. "This play is terrible!" The so called actors held bags of flowers and were jumping about slapping each other with them while jumping on a massive feather bed. "Is this what passes for jesting?" He had been away all too long. Performances years ago were...
  4. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

    "Ooh!" He weighed next to nothing in Micha's strong grip. "Eh, a drink? Oh yes, gladly and you are...?" But it was over he had been ousted rightly by Micha whom he did not know and was left facing the bar and wondering why he felt like he had been treated poorly. Someone had moved him. Not...
  5. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

    Watching a pumpkin loose its colour was quite a sight but for a moment his orange skin turned pale. "Oh!" His thin and gnarled hands pointed at the indicated Queen of the Day Court. As he mouthed for confirmation to Yvoire, whom he did not know. *Here?* Of course here, of course her. Those...
  6. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

    As if on que a bump and a short yelp announce Curcurbita who had wandered from one court to another like a bee to garden flowers. A lost bee. A lost clumsy bee that backed into both Gwynevere and Yvoire. "Oh, forgive me. Sorry." The short woman in the crown was of course Queen Gwynevere but...
  7. Curcurbita

    Private Tales Moonlit Moths

    "No I'll find it, thank you again." Undeterred Curcurbita swung a full ninety degrees to the left and marched off into the night wondering who the Moth woman was and what she might have been doing on that rock all alone. Maybe he should have stopped and talked to her. Irkalla
  8. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

    Curcurbita looked at the shimmering golden field that separated him from the Night Court and those opportunistic Vultures who clearly thought only of themselves. His hand tapped it and it rippled like the surface of water. A soft *bullup* came from the spot he tapped. "Hmm." Fingers drummed on...
  9. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Gnirebmemer!

    They were definitely dead. Curcurbita checked again in case he might be mistaken but, yes, yes they were VERY dead. The missing heart was a bit of a giveaway but he waved his hand over the blank eyes that rested in the look of terror on the grim visage of the corpse. "Hello? Are you, um are you...
  10. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

    With the acknowledgement of the Erlking and with it permission to even exist in his presence Curcurbita made his way down the great steps of his throne and into the crowd, most of which he towered over. "Hello." "Nice to see you!" "War, what?" The whole scene was very perturbing. Many great and...
  11. Curcurbita

    Private Tales Moonlit Moths

    "Yes I suppose I should..." He turned, walked ten paces then turned back. "Do you know what I'm late for exactly? I eh, well!" Again he tapped his hollow gourd. He cut a comic figure in the moonlight, slim and gangly and just a little embarassed. Irkalla
  12. Curcurbita

    Private Tales Moonlit Moths

    The idea of screaming anything did not appeal but he supposed if it was life or death he might not have much choice. "Yes, I shall but only if I need it. I won't be calling on you just because I'm lonely. heh heh." She seemed so serious about it all. Perhaps something had happened to upset her...
  13. Curcurbita

    Private Tales Moonlit Moths

    "No, I suppose I won't." He mused and let a long moment of silence pass. "I'll do my best, as I can and hope for their well being." Another long moment passed and he figured a bit on the shoreline. "I'm sorry but, have I asked you your name yet? My memory is not what it was, at least I think it...
  14. Curcurbita

    Private Tales Moonlit Moths

    "That's very kind of you." It was, or do he thought. "Em, about the moths. Is there anything I need to do or not do? Like, say avoid eating oranges while they're in me?" He had not ever considered himself a parental character but he supposed he wouldn't know. The flickering of his eyes watched...
  15. Curcurbita

    Fae Courts Let us speak of war on the morrow, tonight let us drink

    He had often been confused but this was easily the most confused he had been in some time, at least he felt this was. Everyone he asked have him a different cause for despising the Summer Court but he had no attachment to any of it. No ties to any of these strangers. Some knew him by name but he...