Recent content by cooper

  1. cooper

    Open Chronicles A whaler's tale

    Cooper kept his head resting on moist sand, simply smiling at what he could only reason to be an angel taking care of him. The gentle touch of the elf's hand measuring his temperature held the kind of prolific affable concern he had not received for years. For a moment, the thought ran through...
  2. cooper

    Open Chronicles A whaler's tale

    While the ship that Aithlin was boarded on, a whole other, much less calm ordeal was unfolding on the little sandbank Cooper found himself on. The very moment he awoke from his short nap, his groggy eyes had landed on the grand sails of the ship out in the distance. Never in his life had he ever...
  3. cooper

    Open Chronicles A whaler's tale

    The rush of the sea is one that can break any man. No one person can possibly stand against the tides of it's gushing blue and white. Yet such challenges have never been one to hold back the aspirations of man. It is mankind's foremost trait after all to seek to conquer the unconquerable. To...
  4. Julius Cooper Carheus

    Julius 'Cooper' Carheus Biographical information Birthplace Elbion Born Died Age 23 Home N/A Physical descr...