Recent content by Kitra Sen

  1. Kitra Sen

  2. Kitra Sen

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    Her eyes on the chest, mind working on a way to open it as it did not possess a key. "I suppose a challenge could be intriguing. but I would need time to build up a network in Vel Anir. It's a larger city, probably filled with many that are already in bed with each other." She flicked her gaze...
  3. Kitra Sen

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    "Because of the truth." She said simply. Cleo opened a door that was opened barely, walking in as if there was no real danger here. "I have family in Vel Anir, and if my existence becomes known to them... well, it will not be a happy introduction." Once, she had seen one of them here in Cirak...
  4. Kitra Sen

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    The Dreadlord did not wander far, only looking out to the street before walking into the middle, directing others to remain calm. Cleo turned her bright eyes to Meredith. "Would you like to follow me?" She smiled. Slipping behind a door behind the front room, nestled away from the doorway...
  5. Kitra Sen

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    "Finish your drink and I can show you just how easy." She grinned. Cleo had left Meredith at the Guard offices, the building that dealt with people coming off of the street. Werecreatures were certainly a plague, but not often did they venture into this city in the Falwood. Her magical...
  6. Kitra Sen

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    "In the heist we are to pull off? Trust me, this is a tried and easy feat. Be happy to show you the joke that is the Guard here. Only a few Dreadlords with them, which is just stupid." "Too many werecreatures out there, pretty lass!" "What the butcher said." Cleo shrugged. "How else are we...
  7. Kitra Sen

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    Cleo gave the other woman a once over, scrutinising the other with a trained eye. "You look as if you can speak circles around the Guards stationed here." She noted approvingly. Cleo kicked out a chair for her to take a seat in, making herself comfortable in order to get to know the volunteer...
  8. Kitra Sen

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    Interest sparked in her green eyes, sizing up the woman who spoke from the shadowed corners. Cleo had not seen her before, and apparently, neither did anyone else. Someone snoozing at a nearby table jerked away, muttering a fuck me as he gained awareness of himself. "I think you are perfect...
  9. Kitra Sen

    Fate - First Reply The House With No Light

    There had been murmurs around the city and outlier settlements outside Vel Cirak that a monster had claimed the life of a merchant on the road. Many were quick to blame a werewolf, something capable of ruining the life of a loving family, but Cleo knew there had to be more to it. Yes, the facts...
  10. Cleo Lamindile