That was as short as it was allowed to be?! Charity shook her head. And Dianna had to deal with and maintain all that all by herself? No thank you!
Why were young noblewomen encouraged to have such long hair anyway? Did noblemen find it attractive? Did other noblewomen think it was pretty? Was...
Charity tried to imagine such architecturally stunning buildings. She failed and so attempted to find something comparable in Alliria, but nothing really came to mind. Unless churches and bell towers counted, but Charity doubted they were anything like Dianna was describing. "Wow! They really do...
"Nope! No brothers. Only a bunch of sisters!" Charity slid closer to hug Dianna's arm. It felt a little wrong to have her this close. Was it really okay after what had happened tue last time they saw each other? Charity tried to ignore the intrusive thought that she had somehow tricked Dianna...
It was reassuring to know that Dianna wouldn't hold all of Charity's previous partners against her. That was one of the big things she had worried about Dianna finding out most. That was all behind her now. She had Dianna, and that's all she needed. "I will be. I promise!" Charity rested her...
Charity squeaked in surprise and her breath caught sharply as Dianna nibbled her ear. She felt a burning desire growing inside her but quickly quelled it, giggled, and returned her attention to Dianna. Though a nagging thought sat at the back of her mind. Was it really fine? Charity knew for...
Charity smiled as she imagined Dianna as an acrobat. The woman certainly had the physique and physical strength for it. Her cheeks reddened as she pictured Dianna in a tight circus outfit that clung to every curve of her body. She also felt a sharp stab of fury at the hypothetical crowd ogling...
Charity listened quietly as she slid forward a bit to rest her head on Dianna's chest. She would never understand nobility and their arranging of marriages. Who would want to be tied down to somebody they didn't love? But the thought of a young Dianna playing house and pretending to marry the...
Charity smiled to herself and leaned back into Dianna. The woman's dedication to her work, and her loyalty to her country and those around her never failed to impress Charity.
"I know you would my love," Charity scooted back, snuggling even closer into Dianna. She rested her head on Dianna's...
"Me? Run it myself?" Charity pondered Dianna's suggestion as she chewed her cake. She did know the archives like that back of her hand. But she shook her head. "No... I couldn't possibly do it. I know where all the floors, secret passageways, hidden doors, and rooms are, but if you were to ask...
"Oh, Cleo?" Charity took a break from shoveling cake into her mouth to look up at Dianna. "Oh! Cleo isn't one of my sisters. She-" How to explain who Cleo was... She certainly couldn't tell Dianna that she was a demon! "Cleo is-was my mother's secretary? No, that's not it. Attendant?" Charity...
Charity gasped in shock and joy as Dianna agreed to walk with her, and she buried her face even deeper into Dianna's shoulder. The knight seemed to have the hidden talent of making Charity feel like a princess. A damsel wrapped in the arms of a caring and protective knight. Never before had...
"You have my word Dianna!" Charity squeezed her hand gently. "I promise that you and Lulu will always know what is going on!"
Charity snorted in laughter at Dianna's words. Lady Briarthorne? Anybody who thought she was a lady in any sense of the word was sorely mistaken. She led Dianna to the...
Charity grit her teeth as Dianna's powerful grip felt like it had begun to crush her hand. She wanted to complain or give Dianna some hint that she was hurting her, but part of her felt like she somewhat deserved it. Was Dianna worrying about work again? She only ever seemed to get that far away...
Charity looked at Dianna with deep sympathy as she held her head in her hands, trying to find the right words. She could only imagine how difficult a time Dianna was having. Going from seeing other women as nothing more than friends, colleagues, or sisters, to developing feelings for one in the...
Charity pouted as Diana pulled her hand away. Her first physical contact with her girlfriend in months, and it was over already. The pouting was short lived however, and her expression shifted to worry as Dianna stood and looked down at her. Charity steeled herself, knowing what was coming next...
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