Recent content by Cato

  1. Cato

    Fable - Ask Alpha Protocol

    Cato blinked, somewhat nonplussed by the other mercenary's explanation. "Liadain's not exactly the local homestead. Now I've been told I'm a bit of a cunt, by your captain as a matter of fact. Can't imagine what it would take to piss off an entire continent." The mercenary captain was actually...
  2. Cato

    Private Tales Cut Your Teeth

    "Out of all the cunting-" the rest of his words were drowned out by frantic shouting of those around him. Cato didn't blame them but the lack of discipline still pissed him off. He turned at the shriek of a horse and saw the Baron's horse dart back towards the forest. Man was either a damned...
  3. Cato

    Fable - Ask Alpha Protocol

    "Yeah, you know, ugly thing with a bunch of nonsense scribbled all over it? No one really knows how they work but still bloody stupid enough to use em anyways," he explained glibly. He didn't trust them and never really wanted to learn how to use them either. Still, being a captain and all that...
  4. Cato

    Private Tales Edge of Tomorrow

    The room was quelled once again by the Baron. Cato wasn't sure if it was through force of personality or simply because the man was louder than everyone else. Oddly enough, the noble's plan was vaguely similar to what the mercenary originally had in mind. 'Course, that was before their actual...
  5. Cato

    Fable - Ask Alpha Protocol

    "Those don't come free you know," he said looking down at the training post. The other mercenary didn't seem all that concerned with any potential costs incurred. It wasn't Cato's fucking problem in any case. Gods only knew his lads had him scraping the bottom of the coffers when it came time to...
  6. Cato

    Private Tales Edge of Tomorrow

    Cato's grin was positively feral at the sight of Langford's exasperation. Agatha may have been the more reasonable of the two captains but she wasn't one to take undue shit. They'd gone through far too much to let some minor noble walk all over them. Baron Gauner's reputation, however, seemed...
  7. Cato

    Fable - Ask Alpha Protocol

    "Just do what you can," Cato said to the cohort's smith. "I'll be back round shortly. Gotta make a trip 'cross the way first." He tossed the forger a lazy wave and headed out the makeshift shop. His blades had been nicked to the hells and back, which meant business had been good as of late. Lots...
  8. Cato

    Private Tales Cut Your Teeth

    The mercenary captain couldn't help but smirk at Axehead's words, the lad was growing on him. You're not like to last long in this business if you scare easy. Now Cato didn't think of himself as the intimidating sort but that couldn't be said of the rest of the Third. Some had simply been hit on...
  9. Cato

    Private Tales Cut Your Teeth

    Cato took the Baron's silence as the go ahead and the two set about giving their respective orders. The 'Shields with him were still in decent shape, more exhausted than anything. Running for your life could be pretty damned tiring. This sort of action was right in the Third's wheelhouse...
  10. Cato

    Private Tales Edge of Tomorrow

    "Yeah, well, don't get used to it," the mercenary shot back with a grin. Might've had something to do with the fact that Aggs could carve through a half-dozen swords on her own. Not the usual sort to be called ladies and Cato sure as hells wasn't a lord. 'Course he wasn't even sure it was true...
  11. Cato

    Private Tales Edge of Tomorrow

    Cato also spotted the soldiers both high and low. Certainly made bloodying noses a damned sight more dangerous. A wrong move was like to see the two mercenaries turned to pincushions. They didn't wade through a river of blood to get turned away at the door. "More than one way to skin a cat...
  12. Cato

    Private Tales The ends justify the means...

    "Thinking maybe we should just see if this Baron needs another few farmhands," mused the mercenary. Cato couldn't remember the last time he'd heard of a noble paying decent wages. There were some that probably did right by their people but he'd yet to meet one. Well, he supposed that wasn't...
  13. Cato

    Private Tales Misery Business

    "Need three on the flank!" the mercenary captain barked as he deftly parried an incoming strike. It was a real bastard trying to manage a battlefield while avoiding being stuck like a pig. He kicked out at his opponent's knee, causing the man to buckle and drop guard. A quick slash was all Cato...
  14. Cato

    Private Tales Nightmare in the Reach

    The name Cassienda sounded vaguely familiar to the mercenary but that was the extent of his curiosity. Though Cato had to admit the bastard had an odd air about him. Couldn't quite put his finger on it but didn't seem like any normal elf. 'Course nothing about this particular place was normal...
  15. Cato

    Private Tales Edge of Tomorrow

    "Sloth bastard. A quick-march on their part could've saved us a fair bit of grief, and winery's worth of blood." Initially Gauner was supposed to show up nearly a week ago to reinforce the 'Shields in Taernsby. When things started going sour, Cato sent word asking them to hurry their pampered...