Recent content by Cassidy Ackerson

  1. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    He'd have loathed it only a scant few months ago, somebody knowing him so damned well. The idea of another person being able to read him like an open book on a whim was certainly never a concept that appealed to him. Maybe before... but afterwards, being a well kept secret was what protected...
  2. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    In hindsight, it all seemed so... silly. There was no taking back what he'd already done, of course. The perilous stunt he'd orchestrated was said and done, the hostilities between he and his family renewed, and an entire city was after both of their heads. All of that for the ring now wrapped...
  3. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Neith was right. Despite the reckless nature of Cass's scheme, they'd pulled it off. Instead of dreading what could have been, they ought to revel in what was. In the reality they both lived in, the heat building between them with every feverish kiss and wandering touch. The only thing Cassidy...
  4. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Cassidy moaned against her lips. knew that thick, playful lull in her voice. He knew that devious little glimmer in her eyes, and the pull of her fingers as she tugged at his clothing. It was the same lull, the same glimmer and tug as their first night together, in that quiet, empty old...
  5. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Neith's words were barely more than hurried whispers between meetings of their lips, neither she nor Cass willing to break from one another for long enough to say anything of substance. The lingering guilt and shame he felt for the extremes he'd taken on this day so willingly stepped aside to...
  6. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    He'd wanted to keep her from the moment she'd held him in her arms in that ratty old boathouse. The last few years of his life had been an absolute hell: His own step-mother attempting to assassinate him, the loss of his Ariella, his exile from his home and the mental anguish that had lingered...
  7. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    He'd been a fool to risk everything for this, to put the life they'd finally found together on the line for a symbol of what he'd had, hoping to pass it on to her. Cass knew it, and he would find the time to beat himself up over it later. Right now? All that mattered was the warmth of Neith's...
  8. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    It felt... bizarre. To hear that name from Neith's lips. The knot in his chest didn't know which way to turn, hearing the person he'd once loved more than any other's name from the lips of the one who'd filled that void in his heart. Cass's face twisted as he tried to hold back the surge of...
  9. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    "Fine. I'm... fine." Physically, he was. Mentally... he'd get over it. Not until he was good and damned sure Neith was safe, and back in their home where she damn well belonged. Cassidy leaned back in the seat, closing his eyes and letting his mind catch up with his body for the first time...
  10. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    It wasn't like he'd imagined it, like he'd wanted it. Somehow, Cassidy had romanticized this moment in his head. So many times he'd imagined riding triumphantly from the place that had taken so much from him, with the satisfaction of knowing that now he'd taken something back. It should have...
  11. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    "I don't know." His reply to her was like a whisper-- too weak to be heard over the commotion surrounding them. Even if every Guard in the city wasn't chasing them it would have been difficult to hear. Cassidy kept a stone face, eyes of steel pointed straight ahead to the closing gate. They'd...
  12. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Cassidy was only vaguely aware of what was happening; Neith had obviously been granted Mar's magic, but he had no idea how or why it had happened. He didn't know that could happen! Regardless, he wasn't about to look that gift horse in the mouth, not when it enabled her to speed through a...
  13. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Things already weren't looking good for Cassidy; He was surrounded on all sides, with more guards likely on the way to back them up. Their escape was blocked off by a horde of people a city put on high alert by his vindictive step-mother and a community that had been convinced he was a murderer...
  14. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Cassidy sneered back at the onlookers, but he paid no mind to the chatter of the growing crowd, as the masses that had been stretched across the parade route began to converge on the singular wagon that carried the Ackerson heir. There was a time when he'd dreamed of returning home, confronting...
  15. Cassidy Ackerson

    Private Tales Long Days of Rest

    Cass had been biding his time, waiting for just the right moment, not realizing that a pair of old friends were hot on his tail. Jerrok and Rae were like sharks smelling blood in the water, and as soon as the crowd dissipated behind Cassidy, he'd have nowhere to run. The dense cluster of men and...