Recent content by Captain Kelly Wells

  1. Captain Kelly Wells

    Private Tales Soup, Skull and Spatulas

    "Well... okay". The quartermaster took a slice and took a bite, blowing air after biting from how hot it was. Chewing on the piece she took, her face was that of surprise, in a good way like she had died and gone to heaven. Leagues better than the rations that the crew had to subsist on for a...
  2. Captain Kelly Wells

    Private Tales Soup, Skull and Spatulas

    It was the high seas now. The smell of the salty air filled the nose of Captain Kelly. She was home. She was where she and her crew belonged. Being on land for a while was fun and necessary, but ever since she was an orphan, she found the seas liberating from the klaxon of life on the streets...
  3. Captain Kelly Wells

    Private Tales Soup, Skull and Spatulas

    What little did Pim know was that she had stumbled upon a carrack that had docked along the port of Alliria. It was easy for someone to think of it as a regular ship, capable of moving people and things across the seas, and it was disguised as such. But the captain and crew of this ship know her...
  4. Captain Kelly Wells

    Fable - Ask O Captain My Captain

    The Pirate Queen and her crew, on the high seas of Akiva. The Saunders had taken a beating with the constant sea storms, and Kivren attacks had caused some more damage. They were heading back to Alliria to get their ship mended and perhaps pick up a few more provisions. Captain Kelly looks over...
  5. Captain Kelly Wells

    LFG A Pirate's Life For Me

    Probably the same, or at port, or at sea really. Probably out looking for ships to plunder
  6. Captain Kelly Wells

    LFG A Pirate's Life For Me

    A fellow pirate on the seas? Sign me up!
  7. Captain Kelly Wells

    Open Chronicles The Underground

    "Aye! 'Tis true!" She exclaims. "Can't have people knowing ye are rich either, from all the plundering me crew does. Easy pickin's for robbery, not that I would have any problems with that. Always carries me sword just in case". The captain chuckles. Perish the thought of anyone trying to nab...
  8. Captain Kelly Wells

    Open Chronicles The Underground

    So he WAS practically penniless. It has undoubtedly fooled that captain. She laughed herself, bested even before she had the chance to find out. A good thing too that he took the pickpocketing thing to heart, not a lot of people take kindly to it, even if earlier she did plan on keeping it...
  9. Captain Kelly Wells

    LFG - Quest Allirian Nights

    Interesting. You know what I always say... Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.
  10. Captain Kelly Wells

    Open Chronicles The Underground

    "Sounds like me own captain when I was a young lass". The captain when she was a young lass that took her in when she stowed away on his ship while she was running from the guards back in Oban was one that taught her everything she needed to know to live a life of a pirate. Knowing that she did...
  11. Captain Kelly Wells

    Open Chronicles The Underground

    "Aye, Me arm is fine. I had worse. I guess ye can say 'tis merely a flesh wound. Believe me, I had far worse wounds than this. Nothing that a little but of rags and rum can fix" She proudly says with a wide smile on her face. It’s one of the things she was taught by her previous captain she...
  12. Captain Kelly Wells

    Open Chronicles The Underground

    He missed her attack! His exaggerated motion to get out of the way caught her off guard and all of a sudden, an upward cut had losen her grip on her sword. She might lose this one, and she is about to. That upward cut had landed on her arm, creating a small, but visible cut on her arm. She...
  13. Captain Kelly Wells

    Open Chronicles The Underground

    "Aye, I learned from the best captain of the high seas during me youth". She sees the sideward swipe and went into a defensive stance. She stands back and watches her opponent. She has the opportunity now to quickly thrust her sword, extending her front leg using a slight kicking motion...
  14. Captain Kelly Wells

    Open Chronicles The Underground

    The clash of swords has her all hyped up now. Her own sword missed the first clash as Midian stepped back. He was pretty good, not too bad. She saw that his sword was arched towards her arm. She acted fast and blocked the blade with her own, and swung his away. She made a thrust charge towards...
  15. Captain Kelly Wells

    Open Chronicles The Underground

    Wait a minute. Penniless? It can't be. She pilfered his coin purse which seemed full of coins. Unless... He couldn't have known that she picked his pocket. Well it's either that or he was A.) Either lying to save coin or B.) actually is penniless and what she picked was something else. Doesn't...