Recent content by Brenna

  1. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Brenna managed to bite her tongue before she could reply with, I don't like any of this. It was unfair. Her entire opinion of the Northern Isles were built on horror stories told by her father, and the glimpses of the dark magic she had seen from Kol and Skad. She had to remind herself that she...
  2. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Brenna masked the relief she felt as their foe stepped back. Truthfully, she hadn't thought through the extent of the consequences that could have arisen if he had chosen to take up her challenge. She was fairly confident she would have been able to take him, not least because she had her svalen...
  3. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Of course Skad had taught Brenna the word for dick. In fact, several words for it and how it could be used both affectionately and - more often - as an insult. She didn't need to know the context around it in this case however to infer what Skad was talking about, not when their new 'friend'...
  4. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    When Brenna opened her eyes she couldn't remember straight away where she was. The sky above was her own but the tree line and cove... unfamiliar. She blinked her bleary eyes at the fire in an attempt to clear the dreams that still clung to her lashes. Years of training that the nudge of a foot...
  5. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    "I don't know," Brenna gave a tired sigh and eyed the mast. There was a nasty split in the wood that meant it wobbled in a worrying fashion as they sailed towards the cove. "I can patch it, but fixing it requires more skills than what I have," her brother would have been able to fix it but ship...
  6. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Brenna's eyes narrowed. "I had never thought of that before, how stupid of me," were all Nordenwiir jokes like this? Or... did they just let outsiders assume they were joking? Another headache to navigate in the days ahead, though she doubted there would be much humour among those they tried to...
  7. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Brenna's nose scrunched up with the effort of trying to keep up with Skad's words. Relearning how the Common Tongue sounded was hard enough, and she suspected her own native tongue would be even harder, but Wiir... She thought she understood every few words. We... find... where. Best... place...
  8. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Brenna took the offer of support with a grateful, weary nod. The challenge had not even fully begun and her body felt as though it needed a weeks worth of rest. She did not want to linger on the thought this might be the easiest part of their monumental task. With care she removed the oil cloths...
  9. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Brenna could no longer tell which way was East or West, up or down. There was only the storm, raging and unrelenting surrounding them. The black of the sky had infected the monstrous waves below so no tiny crack of light could penetrate and help differentiate between the two. She wondered, in...
  10. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    "Oh well that makes it much better," Brenna seethed as she peeled her hands away from her ears. It had done nothing to dampen the horrific noise of the thunderclap and her sensitive ears still rang with the echo. Keeping one hand tightly wrapped around the spindles of the wheel she cast her eyes...
  11. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Brenna squinted through the rain in an attempt to keep her eyes on the horizon. Or at least, where she imagined the horizon was. The storm had grown so thick that the dark grey of the sky had melded seamlessly into the frothing waves and it was hard to tell for certain. She just hoped this storm...
  12. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    "If I turn up without you, I'm dead," Brenna said flatly. There was no point being coy about it. Even with what little Wiir she had managed to pick up during the last week of travel would not be enough to erase who - or what - she was and convince a Nordenwiir to direct her to Kol. Kol who was...
  13. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Was that a joke? Were they friends who made jokes with one another now? Brenna pressed her lips together to keep from laughing. Joking seemed so at odds with the Nordenwiir way of life but maybe Skad was funny in her own language. A language she was going to have to learn apparently. The...
  14. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    When. Brenna forced herself to smile but the doubts churned traitorously in her heart. When was a tall order. She had to survive a treacherous sea crossing, navigate a land and people who would want her dead, and somehow avoid being smitten by the Dark Gods themselves. Then do it all in reverse...
  15. Brenna

    Private Tales Endirinn

    Brenna's fingers stilled on the map. It was a question that had been chasing her since the moment she had dared the villagers to write to her. She had no doubts that they would; the death of kin was a blow to anyone and in a community as small as theirs it would be felt for months yet to come...