Belrune "Rune" Brighthand
Belrune is small, even for a dwarf. Born early and always prone to being a bit sickly as a child, she never quite grew up to her peers in stature. Petite and diminutive with strawberry blonde hair and big hazel eyes, it might be easy to mistake her for a halfling -- that is, if it weren't for her lovely beard. At only forty-three years old, she boasts a little beard that could shame most human men, and she is quite proud of it. She is, overall, very well groomed, and takes pains to keep her hair and whiskers neat and presentable.Of note, she has a braid on either side of her head with a strap of purple leather woven into each. She keeps the length of her beard parted into two knots, tied with the same purple leather. Dwarves familiar with Belgrath clans can easily recognize the purple leather and feminized braiding fashion as those fitting of the Brighthand house.
Skills and Abilities
A skilled scribe, bibliophile, and linguist, Belrune is well on her way to establishing herself as an intellectual. Highly literate, she learned to speak, read, and write several languages and dialects from across Arethil. Her penmanship and calligraphy are arguably as good as her great-grandfather's, whose skill helped establish the Brighthand namein Belgrath. As a Brighthand, she has learned bookbinding as a trade and is just as fond of binding a book into its final form as she is to bring its contents into being.In her studies, she has become especially taken with magical texts and has specialized her skills toward the transcription and translation of spells and magical texts. Though she has access to very little power, Rune is capable of performing some runic spells and is the only member of her family that is magically inclined. Because of her small stature and lesser strength, Rune never picked up any true weapons but is skilled with a hammer (due to her use of the tool in binding) and the slingshot -- a hobby she picked up several years prior and put her mind to mastering.