Recent content by Bashuk

  1. Bashuk

    Roleplay OOC Mafia like Influence Anyone?

    I'd be interested in working for one for sure.
  2. Bashuk

    Open Chronicles Know No Fear

    ~~~~ If you know no fear and seek work, read this notice, for the call contained therein will be of great interest to you. The village of Falkrik has long been hounded by a pack of large wolves that claim the forests around them as their home. Many men have tried and failed to drive them off...
  3. Bashuk

    Open Chronicles Back to Civilisation

    Bashuk scowled in annoyance at the clogged road ahead of her, carts were sticking everywhere. She clicked her tongue at Bumper and jerked her head in the direction of the road side. He trotted ahead, testing the ground snorting in disapproval. A whistle and he was back at her side. Something...
  4. Bashuk

    Open Chronicles Back to Civilisation

    Bumper was mad at her. She could tell by the way his ears pointed backwards and she shook her head everytime Bashuk reached to touch her. For the most part, Bashuk ignored the stubborn horse and its mean temperament, but as the sun began to rise illuminating the top of Bald Mountain and the...
  5. Bashuk

    Bashuk Biographical information Birthplace The Spine Born twenty years ago Died Age 20 Physical description Ra...