Recent content by Bani

  1. Bani

    LOA (Sorry)

    You don't need to apologize for prioritizing real life. You only need to apologize for how upset I get knowing I will never, ever come up with a pun as good as Mr. Krebs. Outstanding.
  2. Bani

    Thunder of Thanasis Rise or Fall

    With her goggles pulled tight and her head wrapped entirely in a leather hood, Bani's own breathing was almost as loud as the wyverns' shrieking. She and Vex were small, their speed the only thing keeping them alive against dragon and wyvern alike. A stray wingbeat from either faction could send...
  3. Bani

    Thunder of Thanasis Rise or Fall

    Bani vaulted over a chimney, sending a few loose bricks tumbling to the streets below. Not that anyone would notice in the chaos, and if she was lucky it might brain an invader. Her small feet clacked on the clay and stone shingles, and with a burst of strength she threw herself over a narrow...
  4. Bani

    Thunder of Thanasis The Storm

    Fire. Light. Wind. Rain. Everything collided at once. While the storm's din could hardly get any louder, there was nevertheless a cataclysmic blast beneath the combined might of Iralux, titan amongst sun dragons, and Zeodag, a ruthless mystery. Bani had only a moment to react, a fraction of a...
  5. Bani

    Thunder of Thanasis The Storm

    Bani rode the slipstream of the large black dragon, warmed by Iralux's light. Later on she may lament her reliance on not one but two fellow riders, but in the moment she was focusing on not being blown from her saddle. Her eyes widened behind her flight goggles as Carlyle gave his report...
  6. Bani

    LFG A Wyvern Crisis

    This annoying kid and some weird dude in a duster are in.
  7. Bani

    Thunder of Thanasis The Storm

    The light and warmth coming off of the sun dragon was pleasant, and it did offer a small respite from the choppy currents they were being tossed amongst. She gave a salute to the shimmering pair, acknowledging their help without vocalizing a full 'thank you' that would have been difficult to...
  8. Bani

    Thunder of Thanasis The Storm

    Leovold must know that his command over the other two would be tenuous at best. While Bani didn't plan on tempting a court marshal, she was never great at listening to instructions. The orders usually came out too slow, she would always complain. "Right," she said, saluting Leo in a mocking...
  9. Bani

    Thunder of Thanasis The Storm

    Ten minutes. It wasn’t much, but then again being given any time to even mentally prepare for a mission was a luxury. Bani was already in her flight leathers, lightweight and smoothly contoured to reduce drag. She was tiny, as was her dragon by comparison to anything other than feathered breeds...
  10. Bani

    Thunder of Thanasis The Storm

    Bani peered out at the storm through the wide windows of their briefing room. It was a dark, swirling mass writhing just a handful of leagues from the city. It was lit with strobes of lightning from within, the sounds of which reached her ears late and diminished. These thunderous booms were...
  11. Bani

    Fable - Ask The Island Eater

    Bani had to exert all of her restraint to not drink from the cup immediately, but despite her best efforts some of her parents' lessons had sunk into her skull, so she refrained until their host drank from his own vessel. She managed to only slurp a little bit as she greedily took the drink...
  12. Bani

    Fable - Ask The Island Eater

    "We're the discount service?" Bani didn't like the sound of that at all and she muttered angrily some choice words. Her temper evened as quickly as it rose, however, and she was distracted at once by the sea of tents that faced them. There was just the right amount of flash and motion here. By...
  13. Bani

    Fable - Ask The Warmth of Dragons

    Bani had known she might be overtaken in this first section. Ok… would most likely be overtaken, but that didn’t make her simmer with any less anger. Nymbos’ four-winged dragon was making short work of this sheep section, and Bani was focused on her long enough not to realize how thick the air...
  14. Bani

    Fable - Ask The Warmth of Dragons

    Bani could feel every muscle of Vexillion's body coiling in rhythmic waves, lifting them higher and higher into the sky bit, by bit, by bit. Her jaw was clenched and she held herself as close to his back as possible, trying to bury her tiny frame into his feathers. The smaller she could make...
  15. Bani

    Fable - Ask The Island Eater

    Bani wanted to tack an addendum to Melisandre's statement, something about punching, but Vhagor started talking again and ruined the moment. She did listen, though. She wasn't always good at that part, but despite what Vhagor's tone might suggest Bani was not an idiot. Immature and arrogant...