Recent content by Assistant Nemeska Elissal

  1. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    A gambit which might amount to nothing, this waiting in the perfume Market. Still, if the Devils' pet vampire had the right hunch, then it would be worthwhile endeavor. Nemeska also had to suppose that, well, where would they even go after the Market? Cold as a cloudy winter's night, Aylin's...
  2. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    Dear Regel, Akiza had better be onto something here. Oh but it was one thing for Akiza to pay the dancer, but to come panhandling to her for this? What a turn. Good for her that they were such good friends, hmm? Nemeska and Akiza wandered then to the front door of the Market, not leaving just...
  3. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    By Regel, why did they even listen to that imbecilic dancer? At least it was Akiza who had parted with her coin. And here Nemeska thought vampires were supposed to be clever. So now here they both were, circumstance leading them around by their noses, hardly a step closer to finding Aylin even...
  4. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    "Ahhhh...possible, yes," said Nemeska to the matron. "We mean to be no bother, but Aylin is gently being asked for, you see. Little more than a dull afternoon awaits her, shared in common with my sister Penitent Akiza and I both. Maybe you haven't made a habit of asking your customers their...
  5. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    And now both Nemeska and Akiza found a sweet greeting in the form of the Market's aroma. The moment they walked through the tall doors the various scents like friendly neighbors welcomed them in. A number of women, some men, mostly humans, but some dwarves, and even an elf, were about the...
  6. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    How fun! Ah, wouldn't that be fanciful? To be on the track of the actual murderer? Not that it was likely, no, her luck was much too rotten to stumble upon something so exciting by sheer chance and accident, but if it were though? Oh Boesarius would be so envious, it'd be brilliant. The yell...
  7. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    Some rogue's affections. Oh, she would never, of course. It tickled Nemeska now to find Aylin merely for the truth of it all, and less so on behalf of the Sanctum. What could she say? She adored a bit of succulent gossip. Dear Akiza might find no fun in all this, but she could do with getting...
  8. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    Nemeska intervened casually. "Now Akiza, there's no reason to go grasping for conclusions." Even if she might be right. That or perhaps the Regulator of the day wasn't the only one murdered. Two in a row, oh, how that would be invigorating! But did poor Crispus need to be bothered by these...
  9. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    Nemeska spoke to the Beyar. "Never to fear, madi, I'm sure this is all little more than some mishap or fanciful mischief. If we should come across the dear Aylin ourselves, we'll promptly send word. Might we have your name, so as to facilitate this? Oh, but look at me! I've forgotten even to...
  10. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    Before Nemeska and Akiza could take a step in earnest in further pursuit of Aylin, why, a far more helpful fellow—unlike that scrounging dancer beating that poor tambourine to death—came right up to them. How pristine! And though the name of Elissal, despite her father being the Vaiz Onder of...
  11. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    One last Penitent to go, and then they could go and pay a visit to the lovely Boesarius. Oh but of course Nemeska had been called to answer a few questions herself, but truly, even if she hadn't, she might well go simply to see him—offer him a little company, mayhap? She knew he detested being...
  12. Assistant Nemeska Elissal

    Private Tales Let's Keep a Secret

    Nemeska Elissal knocked on Akiza's door. Little did she know that moments prior Poelan Ambustus had sheepishly departed from Akiza's dwelling, but even if she'd seen it herself she wouldn't have paid it any mind—except maybe to tease the Devils' resident vampire about her poor choice in men ("By...