Arn's latest activity

  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Felix Nevarre's post in the thread Fable - Ask The 44th with Gasp Gasp.
    Felix shot Rhory a subtle smirk at Kristen's excitement. It just goes to show that even the 'normal' Dreadlords are not so normal...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Rhory Grimmere's post in the thread Fable - Ask The 44th with Gasp Gasp.
    "I think Porridge deserved getting thrown about, and therefore you do not need to apologise to the likes of him." Rhory said matter of...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Kristen Pirian's post in the thread Fable - Ask The 44th with Gasp Gasp.
    Apologize to Porridge? But here Rhory in essence took the very thoughts from Kristen's mind and spoke them aloud, and Kristen nodded in...
  • Arn
    Arn replied to the thread Fable - Ask The 44th.
    Arn frowned, listening to the words of his friends as he glanced back over towards where Porridge was. "Bu-" The sergeant was about to...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Felix Nevarre's post in the thread Fable - Ask The 44th with Yay Yay.
    What followed next was something that Felix had only seen a handful of times and every time it was surprising. Arn, the lovable giant...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Rhory Grimmere's post in the thread Fable - Ask The 44th with Yay Yay.
    Rhory hid the hurt from her face, like she had done every time someone made to comment about the few times she had warmed another's bed...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Kristen Pirian's post in the thread Fable - Ask The 44th with Yay Yay.
    Kristen shot her arms high into the air, whether or not Felix and Rhory still kept hold of them, and gave a loud cheer once Arn...
  • Arn
    Arn replied to the thread Fable - Ask The 44th.
    "What?" Arn said as he suddenly found Rho and Kristen standing besides him, still dazed as a few of the other Guardsmen offered him a...
  • Arn
    Arn replied to the thread Open Chronicles The March of War.
    "Haven't had time to write anything up." Arn knew that the Guard ran on written reports. That sort of thing was how the General's made...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Kristen Pirian's post in the thread Open Chronicles The March of War with Huh Huh.
    Well enough. Kristen nodded, understanding the true essence of what he said behind his spoken words. She could say the same of herself...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Zephyrine's post in the thread Open Chronicles The March of War with Ooof Ooof.
    Zephyrine managed a weak smile to the medic, but was unable to think of something to say that would discredit her own help. She couldn't...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Kael's post in the thread Open Chronicles The March of War with Ooof Ooof.
    The swordsman lowered his guard as the Sergeant came to take the missive. Kael looked over at the dreadlord Zephyrine and nodded...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Skyler's post in the thread Open Chronicles The March of War with Ooof Ooof.
    Sky finished wrapping the bandage to a wounded soldier's head then rose to a stand. Overhearing the dreadlord who'd transformed from a...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Felix Nevarre's post in the thread Fable - Ask The 44th with Popcorn Popcorn.
    Fuck, that guy was quick for someone who looked like a slab of stone...and he was strong. Oh look Arn was flying? Wait, oh that was...
  • Arn
    Arn reacted to Rhory Grimmere's post in the thread Fable - Ask The 44th with Popcorn Popcorn.
    "Come on Arn!" Rhory shouted, grinning widely despite the hit he had taken. "You are faster! Stronger! You have the fire in you!" She...