An'azesh lurks between the jungles near the eastern coast of the Nagai island and the surrounding Akinawa sea, preferring to hunt in the latter. He is a member of the Aswani tribe, who are closely bound to the sea and can spend extended periods diving, as such they find sustenance mostly from fish. They also hunt for animals in the jungle, eat other Naga in times of war, and the most prized delicacy, Landwalkers, would be mostly obtained by warping the currents and thus catching ships, boarding them and slaying the crew. The Aswani have no formal leader, the strong command, the weak follow.
This Naga is a predator motivated primarily by the search for food, and secondly power. His natural affinity for the mystical would allow him to conspire with the sea and ocean themselves, who would grant him blessings in return for his devotion and sacrifices in Landwalker flesh and blood. These blessings would allow him to cast terrible lightning and torrents to kill or weaken, and imbue him with stony coral polyps which he may harden to finish his prey.
As a consequence of this, he is revered and feared in his tribe, and it is known that none may speak foul of An'azesh lest they are sacrificed to the Deeps.