Recent content by Amos

  1. Amos

    Open Chronicles The First Town

    "I shall minister!" He called after Pawel as the man departed, making careful note to ensure the workers would be at the arrival of the train. Most would already be there for maintenance and unloading, it would be a simple matter to ensure the rest would come as well. A few minutes delay at...
  2. Amos

    Private Tales A Glade Somewhere

    Amos smiled up at the angel in the grove, placated somewhat by her words, though still unable to help the anxiety in his chest. "I do not meant to be overly apologetic." The scientist said, over-explaining as he always did. "Kindness such as this is not often afforded to people where I am...
  3. Amos

    Open Chronicles The First Town

    "Ah, yes...well no." He told Minister Wilhart, frowning only slightly at his own coming words. "I have been ill for some time, since childhood." It was not something he could hide. "Nothing to worry about." He assured the man, though in truth it sort of was. Not for anyone else, but Amos knew...
  4. Amos

    Open Chronicles The First Town

    Amos was overwhelmed. Though really that was putting it rather lightly. As his great project had been cast more and more into light, it had become apparent that attention came hand in hand with success. Unfortunately. He had never been all that good when it came to talking with people, having...
  5. Amos

    Open Chronicles The First Town

    Amos grinned at his companion, and dare he say...friend? "I'm not very subtle, am I?" Without much further ado, the scientist grabbed his cane and quickly set out alongside Alistair. The two made slow progress, as he always did, but his companion was kind enough to always allow him to set the...
  6. Amos

    Private Tales A Glade Somewhere

    Amos felt a wave of calm wash over him, a small prickle of his mind questioning where such a thing came from even as it dulled and a wave of nausea followed. The curse inflicted upon him twisting the fae magic as it rushed through him, but then slowly took effect. Amos' felt his chest tighten...
  7. Amos

    Open Chronicles The First Town

    ”You are far too kind as always, Alistair.” Amos said, smiling slightly and trying to keep the blush from his features. Lord Krixus was always generous with his complements, and coming from him it meant more than most. After their first meeting, it had become only obvious just how much the...
  8. Amos

    Open Chronicles The First Town

    "Yes, well the town I can't really take credit for." Amos said, flashing a smile up at Lord Krixus as he pushed himself to his feet. Using the table to balance himself the sickly boy shook Alistair's hand in greeting, then swept another hand towards a nearby chair so that the other man could...
  9. Amos

    Open Chronicles The First Town

    Wilds Between Vel Luin & Vel Anir Alistair Krixus It was a wonder, how things quickly moved. Only a month ago he, Alistair, and Kaeden had all been standing on a platform surrounded by security. They had made their announcement, gone through their presentation, and then with the funding of...
  10. Amos

    Private Tales A Glade Somewhere

    "THE IXCHEL WILDS?!" Amos parroted, his voice an utter panic as eyes grew to the size of saucers. The tightness in his chest switched almost immediately from physical illness, to one of complete anxiety. Every nerve in his body tensed, and if she hadn't been holding him Amos might have jumped...
  11. Amos

    Private Tales A Glade Somewhere

    Amos couldn't help but stiffen slightly as the perilously beautiful woman gently moved to cradle his head. He wasn't exactly used to the attentions of women, and certainly not ones who looked like her. The Scientists face flushed a deep crimson, and he found himself stammering...
  12. Amos

    Private Tales A Glade Somewhere

    ???????? - Leaf(Autumn) Court Amaryllis His head swam, but he could breath. Every muscle in his body ached, all of it coming in waves that all seemed to flatten as he filled his lungs. The more he took in, the better he felt. An odd sort of serenity swimming over him as consciousness swept...
  13. Amos

    Private Tales Bringing Back What Was Lost

    Amos shook his head in answer to Zeph, not finding a need to repeat what the Professor had said and looking at the markings with no small amount of interest. "They did not tell me anything." He said, though added. "But, I did read a book on the surrounding area before we left. It is thought...
  14. Amos

    Private Tales Bringing Back What Was Lost

    It was like nothing he had ever experienced in the entirety for his life. There was no lethargy, no tiredness, no ache or pain within his joint. For a moment after he drank the potion, everything else became dull. Erren and Zeph spoke, but all Amos could do was stare down at his hands. He had...
  15. Amos

    Private Tales Bringing Back What Was Lost

    Amos let out a long sigh, he gave Zephyrine a long and appreciative smile. There were few times in his life he could recount when someone had actually thought of him in this way. His mother, always, but she had not been around. Kaeden was another, though his friend tended to get a bit...