Recent content by Alyxander Quellchrist

  1. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    Each time that Alyx began to worry that this blissful moment was coming to its conclusion, Aristeia would find him again, reaching out with passion and desire renewed, as if his very presence was rekindling her heart with every passing second. His lips would not go a moment without hers, and his...
  2. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    As Aristeia's cheek came to rest upon his shoulder, Alyx placed his hand upon the back of her head, pressing his fingers into the silvery tresses of her hair. In the eerie, unnatural silence of this room, one that housed so much strife and turmoil for the woman in his arms, all that he could...
  3. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    Knowing that this could all vanish from his mind, that he could wake up in his bed and not remember the stories she'd told him, the smiles he'd drawn out of her, the taste of her lips... It should have upset him. Quellchrist felt like he should have been angry. Instead, he smiled, his eyes...
  4. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    Somewhere in the deepest recesses of his mind, Alyxander probably knew that there was more to this kiss than what there seemed. The emotions that coursed through him with every breath that Aristeia stole from him had come about too fast, were far too powerful to be normal. This strange woman...
  5. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    It was almost enough to make Alyxander's somewhat somber demeanor break out into another fit of laughter, hearing her speak of doing something for him. Not because he found the idea of her helping him amusing in any way. On the contrary, her words were touching, in a way that perhaps she'd never...
  6. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    When Aristeia finally opened this final door, so too did she provide answers to many of the questions that had lingered within his mind. The truth she laid bare to him contrasted bitterly with the words of kindness and encouragement he'd just offered her, so much so that he tasted the tart...
  7. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    Alyxander supposed that six portraits didn't seem like a lot next to sixty, but it was still far more than had ever been painted of him, standing at a comfortable zero. Then again, he hadn't grown up in a place like this, with halls wide enough for crowds, and staircases long and winding enough...
  8. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    Alyx pretended to scoff at the idea of fighting her, even in a sparring capacity. None of that brief nervousness that had reared its head the last time she'd brought her gaze even with his to search his eyes returned, and he stared back with only an amused smirk. "Be careful what you wish for...
  9. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    This little trip Aristeia had forced upon him had been a sobering, but well-needed reminder that there was much, much more to the world than he and his woes. Being confined to Dornoch made it easy to feel as if he were in a self-contained bubble, unable to escape and free himself of the regrets...
  10. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    Aris swiped away the mirror he used to tidy himself up, and Quellchrist pretended to be offended by the gesture before letting the facade melt away into an amused chortle. "You're awfully pushy, anybody ever tell you that Aristeia?" Even if he hadn't gotten over his gripes and continued to...
  11. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    At that, Alyxander's smile returned. For as foreign and out of place as she was in his world, so too was she the same as any other soldier worth their salt. The way she spoke was not like that of a higher being than him, so why, he asked himself, was he insisting on placing her on such a...
  12. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    The tinge of annoyance that had lingered in Alyxander's voice at being brought here without warning sank back into his throat as Aristeia explained further. The stories this girl told... they all slowly weaved a tale for him with each new memory she presented, but he still felt as though the...
  13. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    Alyxander scoffed at her apology, giving her a sidelong glance as she explained where he was and why she'd brought him here. Truthfully, he'd entertained the idea of asking her to show him these 'Dreamlands' she spoke so often of, but instead, they'd gotten drunk and fumbled about The Roost like...
  14. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    Alyx tended to sleep restlessly but usually found solace after a night of heavy drinking. It was a small boon gifted to an otherwise less-than-ideal habit, one he'd been careful not to lean on too heavily, lest he fall into the same addiction as his father had. Those nights when he'd allowed...
  15. Alyxander Quellchrist

    Private Tales First Tour of Duty

    Alyx waited at his door, watching her until she safely made it up the ladder without a nasty yet comical spill before he retreated into his room and slid the door shut. A smile too lingered on his mustachioed face, the lingering amusement of the conversation leaving him feeling far more...