
Logan Algeriel

Logan Algeriel

Biographical information
Physical description
Human/Beastman Male 5'11 ft. / 6'8 ft. 112 lbs. / 260 lbs. Chocolate Brown Orange Tanned
Political information
Out-of-character information

"The jungle preys upon my return. I cannot give in - I will not."


With features that border the diametric, Prof. Algeriel is vessel to two halves. Once a lanky twig with long arms and a slender build, he now boasts broad shoulders and thick legs. He is musclebound but is often robed in heavy layers that disguise his chiseled physique; despite his density his frame remains narrow and lithe. His skin is golden from years in the sun, yet blemished around the hands and neck from the same overexposure. A handsome face with an angular jaw and strong brow is worn with odd features; ears that point like mountain peaks, teeth sharpened into knives, a mane of hair akin to that of a lion.

However, there are moments when the wild call is too much to bear and a great metamorphosis takes root. A bestial form overwrites Logan, causing him to change in size, strength, and temperament. Growing nearly a foot in height and amassing a substantial amount of musculature, Logan embodies the monolithic power of the wilds. His body becomes wreathed in iron-like fur, his hands morph into animalistic claws, his eyes explode into fiery orbs of red light. He becomes the Wild Spirit.


This transformation comes infrequently and, at times, without warning. They take an enormous amount of energy and leave Logan in a fugue state.

Skills and Abilities

- Expert knowledge regarding culture and world history
- Novice knowledge regarding herbalism and wildlife
- Skilled in calligraphy and inscription

Wild Spirit:
- Incredible strength but limited agility
- Astounding eyesight
- Capable of speaking to wildlife and even some plant life


Logan exhibits traits of one who is sure of themselves, yet reserved in almost any social setting. Typical of Logan is his hesitance to embrace new people, places and experiences as well as his resolute nature in the face of said changes. Founded in a place of dark history, Logan is skeptical of most and slow to trust.

The Wild Spirit is said to have a mind of his own, acting independently of Logan and shouldering a myopic mission to restore and return to the wilds. The Spirit lends itself to violent outbursts when faced with opposition and will rampage at the slightest threat. Especially when the threat would also destroy his beloved wilds or harm any animal.

Biography & Lore

In an unknown reach of the Ixchel jungles, Professor Logan Algeriel had been conscripted by his collegiate alumni to partake in a research-driven expedition to uncover what may potentially lie within the Wilds' thickets and groves. The troupe pushed far in-land from the southern shores, bug bites and heatstroke running rampant upon their approach to the rumored site of a great temple. Discovering the temple as nothing more than overgrown rocks in an abstract formation, the troupe came up empty on their search for greater truth. They struck a temporary claim on the site as they camped overnight - unaware that they were not alone on what truly was hallowed ground. As the scholars slept, wicked laughter swarmed in wild tones at all directions and lashing tongues flicked hungrily from the dark. Spirits of the Ixchel had called this place home for millennia and it was now being impeded upon. Rousing the men from their slumber was a roar of devilish proportion that exploded over the ghostly chorus. A dark entity, the original Wild Spirit, made its way through the camp to slaughter the troupe one by one; till it came face to face with Logan.

Long has it been since I felt the warmth of fire, or the touch of a lover true," It spoke, "In you I see the path which leads me to such pleasure. In you I see my path true."

And so, the Spirit invoked the old magic of the Wilds and bound the two in soul and destiny. Logan returned to the modern world, burdened by this violent passenger...