Recent content by Alexis Armon

  1. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles Fight Club

    The compliments were coming on now, as if the way she dressed wasn't enough to signify her noble status, now he knew without a doubt. She blushed a little at his calling her beautiful and gave him a doe eyes stare over the edge of her cup. "An old enemy of my family, turned out his servants were...
  2. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles Fight Club

    His clever wording was not lost on her and she gave a little smirk at his roundabout way of calling himself a thief. She accepted the refill with a smile and took a sip. Wine had no effect on her, but it was one of the few things that her kind could enjoy without throwing it up again. He...
  3. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles Fight Club

    She finished the last dregs of her wine before accepting his offer. "Delighted! I rather enjoy speaking with you as well." She let him order another drink for her while she went on. "Studying has been difficult. I've essentially been forced to relearn magic from the bottom up. It's as if the...
  4. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles Fight Club

    She shrugged at his question. "Experience is the best teacher. I've certainly had to throw a few punches and make a few stabs on rare occasions, but other than that I have little experience and only vague technique to draw upon. And in my family, we're often up against some very... unsavory...
  5. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles Fight Club

    Vincent Alexis nodded in agreement, "Quite right. My brothers would often say "food always tastes better after a battle", and now I'm inclined to agree with them. Everything tastes better after a hard fight." She sipped her wine again and shook her head, "Not as such, but my brothers are...
  6. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles Fight Club

    Even after the fight was over the crowd was still going wild. Alexis just smiled, back in her homeland she remembered riding down the center street with her brothers, the entire population lining the side of the road cheering as their procession rode by, hailing them heroes just after they...
  7. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles Fight Club

    She listened to the shouting from the crowd and grinned at her handmaiden, "Put some money on me, Rhali. We're about to rake it in!". She spat blood once more and then pulled herself up. She approached the orc with her hands high, the brute was blinking sweat out of his eyes, but besides blood...
  8. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles Fight Club

    Elbion is known for its college and focus on magic, many of Arethil's leading wizards and magic scholars found their beginnings in this city at the college. But there's an aspect of Elbion many visitors don't get to see. The many entertainment centers of the city are well known to most who have...
  9. Alexis Armon

    Roleplay OOC Anyone Have a Vampire?

    I'm totally NOT a vampire... And therefore definitely WOULDN'T be totally down for an RP that could be really awesomely fun! Yup, so sorry.
  10. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles A Plague in Elbion

    Alexis nodded to Saben Strahd and he stepped forward to give his report. "The cult worships a weakened deity known as Bastellen. For the past couple of centuries he has been amassing followers and endeavoring to gain enough power to resurrect himself from his tomb. For some of his followers he...
  11. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles A Plague in Elbion

    She nodded to her curtsy, "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Madame Valkery. I can tell you what I know." She motioned the Madame over to a small table that had two chairs. Saben pulled the chairs out for both of them and then pushed them in as the ladies sat. Then he stood off to the...
  12. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles A Plague in Elbion

    Saben Strahd examined the lady. A magic user no doubt, and an important woman by her dress. He looked in on his mistress. From what he could see she was just finishing up summoning another set of tiny flying creatures inside the protective circle. He could see it would be a minor interruption to...
  13. Alexis Armon

    LFG Come One! Come All!

    A party? nobility? rebirth? Count me in!
  14. Alexis Armon

    Open Chronicles A Plague in Elbion

    The guards nodded and scanned her first using enchanted crystals. Once they were satisfied that she wasn't carrying the plague they allowed her into the college and directed her to the summoning room with some brief directions on how to get there. Alexis would still be working very devotedly to...
  15. Alexis Armon

    LFG New(Stripes The Magic less Man)

    I'm interested! This character is in Elbion currently enrolled in the collage to relearn magic. She's still learning herself but she has the theory down. If they meet perhaps she could become a sort of mentor at some point since she knows exactly where he is coming from at least magic wise.