Recent content by Aldrae

  1. Aldrae

    Private Tales A Reason for Everything

    Aldrae watched the secret door's appearance in a silent curiosity that bordered on awe. She had spent enough time at the college to understand that there were many secrets tucked away within its storied walls, but she was also certain she'd witnessed only a fraction of them. There was still a...
  2. Aldrae

    Private Tales Ignis Fatuus

    "Oh, erm..." she started nervously, feeling the attention aimed at her as keenly as needles. "Yes, as you've already mentioned, my name is Aldrae. I'm twenty-four... or twenty-five now? Anyway, not important. I am a research assistant for this expedition. I can read and write and cast a few...
  3. Aldrae

    Private Tales A Reason for Everything

    Aldrae walked quietly behind Erren, pondering how best to explain what had happened at the artifact's epicenter. She had decided to tell him all she remembered - which didn't amount to much. If anything, she was only going to demonstrate her own ignorance. What folly for her to not realize that...
  4. Aldrae

    Private Tales A Reason for Everything

    She nodded and followed him back into the depths of the repository, using her lantern to guide her uncertain feet back down the steps. She didn't doubt there was a room that would make for a good hiding place; the entire basement past the repository area was a maze of old storerooms, often...
  5. Aldrae

    Private Tales A Reason for Everything

    Aldrae was more stunned by Erren's revelation than suspicious of what he said. She felt herself go pale, wondering how bad things were outside of the relatively safe, if not abnormally damp, repository. Before she could gather her wits enough to ask, he went on to explain another sinister aspect...
  6. Aldrae

    Private Tales Ignis Fatuus

    "Where is it?!" Aldrae was also searching through her pack, half in a panic as she tried for the third time to mentally tally its contents. Relief washed over her as she spotted her personal journal in with all the survival tools and provisions. Extra weight, but worth it for the comfort it...
  7. Aldrae

    Private Tales A Reason for Everything

    Aldrae blinked at the intrusion of the bright magelights into the dim ambience of her lamp. She felt a sense of relief that the lighting had returned - relief that quickly scattered when an unexpected voice called out from above her, making her jump in fright. She hadn't been expecting anyone in...
  8. Aldrae

    Completed The Triennial Syzygy

    Aldrae hadn't been in the lecture hall since that terrible day when her research died. Coming back to it now felt like an unpleasant jaunt into the past. Her feet weighed her down like bricks as she stood just a few paces from the carved mahogany door, reminding herself that this was a lecture...
  9. Aldrae

    Private Tales A Reason for Everything

    There had always been stories - primarily amongst the college's student body and a handful of local drunks - about a group of mages of great power and ill intent, all bent on controlling Elbion's destiny from behind closed doors and dark curtains. Though most considered this talk of a secret...
  10. Aldrae

    Private Tales A Reason for Everything

    #313SKR: Dagger with ornamental hilt. Possible ritual implement or for decorative purpose. Filed in exhibit 81. The nib of the quill pen scratched across the parchment in a dull monotone broken only by brief pauses to drink from the inkwell sitting on a large desk. Its wielder - a young...
  11. Aldrae