Recent content by Agramón

  1. Agramón

    Private Tales In Rare Form

    Inns and bars were well known for possessing the power to attract individuals of all types, from a plethora of backgrounds that hardly seemed as if they could be mixed together, and letting them loose amongst one another. This inn was no different, showing off the shine of the locale and...
  2. <span class="vw-inline-prefix label label--primary">Sandbox</span><span class="label-append">&nbsp;</span>Devils

    An existence that should not be.
  3. Agramón

    Private Tales Upon The Winds

    The forest of The Spine felt like a mystical place once one finally set foot over its ancient roots. The air danced between the trees, carrying with them stories of renewal for those who were able to listen. The chill of winter had begun to creep in, but as if in defiance the plants had managed...
  4. Agramón: Demon of Fear

    Clickbait name for sweetheart man.