Recent content by Aerium

  1. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Aerium wore a large grin. One that was much too impossible to hide and act humbled by her praise. He missed cooking for someone, for others, because seeing their reactions was why he wanted to pursue a career as a cook. "Tell me any dish you want, and I will be sure to study everything that...
  2. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    He never knew that her smile could heal so many aspects in him, or that it brightened every dark thought that latched onto his mind and intended to bring him down. She rejuvenated him. As she spent time bathing, Aerium saw to preparing them each a bowl of soup. Thea had kept it at a low heat...
  3. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Aerium gave her a sweet, patient smile. His hand came to cup her face and he crouched before her, ensuring their gazes were leveled. "I will go where you will me to, Daylily." Protector. He wanted her to only know safety, to dance and laugh in the streets so that this city would know her...
  4. Aerium

    Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

    My Daylily, You are the happiest thing in my life to happen, and I am forever grateful for you. Your laugh, your smile, the way you pull me into a dance every time there is music, and the way you make me feel whole whenever you are near. This day is yours, Heart and Hearth Day is the day I...
  5. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Aerium had fallen asleep on the floor on a mess of blankets and furs. He had been awoken by someone standing on his back, and the poor young man groaned at the pain radiating through him. Rolling over, he saw that Daylily had gotten up, and pushing past his tired state, he got to his knees and...
  6. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    He saw her fading before her body gave way. Aerium was quick to envelop her into his arms, to catch her as her eyes fluttered closed. Her body had taken on too much stress. All he wanted was to ask her who had done this to her, where he could direct his anger and rage that someone would cause...
  7. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    His heart soared. It fell, but the way it invigorated your blood. As if leaning back on a chair gave you a fright, and you had to surge forward before you fell too quick. But Aerium already fell. He held onto her as the gift of her name left her lips and made his heart beat. "Believe me...
  8. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    He cradled her against him, turning them both away from the street and seeking the shade of a nearby building. All the while, Aerium hushed her, soothed her with whispered words and calming strokes of his thumbs. He gave her time to let it all out, to feel his offer of protection. Their history...
  9. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    When she had asked him to wait, he tried not to take it to heart. Or at least too deeply. He took to watching the street, giving her space to do what she had meant to do before the cruel men had made her day unsafe. If he had descriptions, names, he would exact his anger upon the men...
  10. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    He did not press her again. "Hey, hey, look at me. It's fine, you're fine. It's just a shirt." One no one will really notice was gone. It wasn't even his best shirt, but he was glad to have given her something to cover her ruined dress. "Better the shirt than the jacket, yeah?" At this he...
  11. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Aerium's face fell to one of solemn. Ah, yes. "General Tarrent." He answered, not a flicker of love or affection sparking within him. "Be glad you did not grow up under her rule through childhood." But Aerium gave her a smile, an attempt to reassure her or to still be in denial of his home...
  12. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    "I will take you anywhere you need to go, but first, let me tend to your wounds, Daylily. You're bleeding." He frowned, already patching her as she insisted on lifting the bag and speak of the importance of delivering it. Aerium did not ask about it, rather checking over her once more to be sure...
  13. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    Everything was alright now she was in his arms. He stared down at her, pulling her closer and towards the street corner to shield her from the street. It was no shadowed and dark are of the street, much like they had met that night, but his towering form acted as privacy for the two. The men...
  14. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    "This is boring me." Aerium sighed, unable to stomach another memory of the girl he called his Daylily. "I'm going for a piss." And he did not wait for Zero to make comment, knowing his friend and brother-in-arms would still be here watching the pretty girls put on a show. Simple minded, he...
  15. Aerium

    Private Tales There Are Worse Poisons That Exist

    So why did it feel as if that kind heart was no longer within him as he watched her pull from him and walked away? Was it not his, that bleeding heart that fell for this girl within an hour, now forgotten in the clutches of her soft hands. He could not keep it, not when it had been beating the...