Recent content by Aderyn Verchtegid

  1. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    Several soon-to-be-dead victims of the attack later - and fortunately a far larger number of those she could stabilize - Aderyn sank to the ground against the wall beside her last critical patient. She breathed in slowly, deeply, and released with a loud sigh, tapping the back of her head...
  2. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    The first man was likely dead within hours, and so Aderyn drank deeply from his emotions, stripping him of as much as he had flowing out from him. Fear and misery were the strongest, unsurprisingly, but the rest did sit below, swirling around in his thoughts as regrets and unrealized desires...
  3. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    Aderyn was already picking up her supply pack by the time Wren directed her to her task. She waved, yelling over her shoulder as she jogged toward the town's centerpiece. "Good luck, come as quickly as you can!" She was fast, her build naturally quite athletic despite a generally softer...
  4. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    "Ah," Aderyn said, "but Allir is home." Far later, and upon sight of the destruction wreaked upon Worrin, Aderyn took a sudden deep breath. She held up her chrysocolla stone and whispered a quiet prayer, though not to any particular deity. She deeply wanted to imbue the horses with fresh energy...
  5. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    "I can't say I've ever been. Falwood, yes, but...." Aderyn trailed off. She had only ever heard a few things about Vel Anir, none of them particularly good. But then, in most of Alliria one might only hear the worst about the Shallows and yet she could never see any other place as home. "Well...
  6. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    "I won't kill it to get what we need so that shouldn't be a problem," Aderyn said. She shrugged off her pack and hoisted it into the cart before climbing up onto the seat herself with a grimace. Her trip had been long and she had never been a fan of so much sitting. She could feel the color of...
  7. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    Aderyn stood for a second, confused at first over who this woman even was and then over how she spoke. Very blunt, matter of fact, perhaps a little - a lot? - unnecessarily aggressive. But then, she supposed, that wasn't really her problem. She wasn't the target. She shook herself back into...
  8. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    "Unsightly and unworldly? Unfortunately, yes, and it's not a memory I'd particularly like to revisit. I'm not a fan of harming things, and I'm even less a fan of being covered in ichor I've beat out of something. Been in a good share of barfights, too, and I haven't died yet." Aderyn rubbed...
  9. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    “How alive does it need to be?” Aderyn bit softly on her lower lip thinking about the last time she made an antivenom. It had been a snake, and snakes were easy to catch alive and unharmed. For that matter, nearly everything was easy to catch safely and without the need for hacking things off...
  10. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    Aderyn patted one of the horses on the nose as she strode past the wagon and hefted a pack of medicaments, just a fraction of what she had brought. She made her way to keep's hall and had barely any time to survey those collected inside before the Warden called out to her. She took in the...
  11. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Atlia Calls for Aid [Noct Yaegir]

    Aderyn drove a wagon with two horses from Alliria toward Atlia Keep, as she typically did every second or third month depending on what the previous trip had allowed her to provision for them. The wagon wasn't hers, it was borrowed from a farmer on the eastern side of the strait just outside of...
  12. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Verchtegid Medicaments and Wellbeing

    Aderyn was unfazed by how casually Hanoi spoke of her lifestyle. It wasn't the same as when she was a child and growing up with her mother who did similar work but between those memories and the care Aderyn had provided for such laborers since she took over the shop, it was hardly something new...
  13. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Verchtegid Medicaments and Wellbeing

    "No worries at all, I think I know what you're looking for. In the absolute worst case, I have plenty of alternatives that work just as well." Aderyn tossed some dry berries and herbs into a mortar and started grinding them together. The speed with which she worked seemed beyond what a normal...
  14. Aderyn Verchtegid

    Open Chronicles Verchtegid Medicaments and Wellbeing

    Aderyn saw off her customers, men of the standard Shallows variety in the business of various draughts to induce sleep and staunch wounds. They were well-dressed for what she assumed their work was, but knew better than to make any kind of assumptions on the subject. Behind them came yet...
  15. Aderyn Verchtegid

    LFG New Character, In Search of a RP

    I don't have a tavern, but Aderyn is a musician who performs fairly regularly in the off-hours of running her herbalist shop and while traveling looking for exotic ingredients. I'd like to explore that side of her since I haven't yet. She's also not a complete stranger to Hanoi's line of work in...