Uruk is tall and brawny having been raised to scour and pillage he is conditioned to such capabilities with a hide bronzed by the scorching sun of Amol-Kalit. His face is hard and square, remarkable only for it's scars and dark, deep-set eyes. His hair is long and black as the cloud covered night.
Skills and Abilities
Wilderness survival, Sword fighting, archery, horse-riding.
Uruk is a Kaliti of typical disposition, warsome and ambitious he desires nothing less then to wear the crown of the sun upon his head. He has little patience or diplomacy except for those of friendship and war. Uruk deeply reveres Annuk almost to a blasphemy of the other gods who, with the exception of Iasimu, he regards as indulgent and tamed by civilization.
Biography & Lore
Uruk's father was a moderately successful merchant in Amol-Kalit and his mother a slave to him though later taken as a proper wife when they had learned to love one-another. From his parents Uruk was taken into the custody of a bandit clan as a very young child when their caravan was set upon and they were slain – it was said the he was spared for his likeness to the raid leaders own son who had died in infancy and indeed by either coincidence or the meddling of gods Uruk's mothers sister had been taken as a slave by the bandit-lord and unknown to all he would serve to replace his own cousin in the home and hearts of his aunt and her captor. Growing up among such thieves and cut-throats Uruk was taught the ways of the desert sword and horse-archery, skills he became proficient in as he grew dependent on the clangor of battle to provide him his purpose in life. As is the nature of all things in Amol-Kalit the bandit clan of Uruk's youth and adolescence fell prey to even more ambitious and bloodthirsty powers and after a disastrous defeat in battle he was again an orphan but now a man and capable of striking out into the world to claim for himself all the glories and riches which he could manage by the strength of his arms and the quick of his steel as an adventurer, a reaver and a conqueror in the lands of Arethil.
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