The Allirian Rangers are a psuedo Police Force that have existed for nigh on five centuries.
Originally founded by little more than concerned citizens, the Allirian Rangers are not in fact backed by any official city government. They do not have the support of the Allirian Merchant Council and they are only able to sustain themselves through the donations of the citizens of the land they protect.

This is a double edged sword, as the Rangers have no allegiance to the rich, but they also struggle to expand their numbers simply because they do not have the wealth they would like. Many Rangers only have the barest equipment and food, often relying on the kindness of villages they travel through to supply them for the coming weeks.
Of course, this does not dissuade many hundreds from joining the Rangers on a yearly basis.
Rangers are held to an extremely high standard throughout the Allir Reaches, and many people see them as a source of protection and justice. Though they enforce no real laws, they are seen as a force that can be turned to when something 'wrong' happens throughout the Reaches.
Originally founded by little more than concerned citizens, the Allirian Rangers are not in fact backed by any official city government. They do not have the support of the Allirian Merchant Council and they are only able to sustain themselves through the donations of the citizens of the land they protect.

This is a double edged sword, as the Rangers have no allegiance to the rich, but they also struggle to expand their numbers simply because they do not have the wealth they would like. Many Rangers only have the barest equipment and food, often relying on the kindness of villages they travel through to supply them for the coming weeks.
Of course, this does not dissuade many hundreds from joining the Rangers on a yearly basis.
Rangers are held to an extremely high standard throughout the Allir Reaches, and many people see them as a source of protection and justice. Though they enforce no real laws, they are seen as a force that can be turned to when something 'wrong' happens throughout the Reaches.
- Name: The Allirian Rangers
- Group Type: Unofficial Police Force
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Good
The Allirian Rangers were founded to protect the citizens of the Allir Reaches. Created by a band of twelve men, the Rangers act as a security force, guides, lawmen, and everything else that one could imagine to the citizens of the Reaches.
Though no one knows for sure why the twelve thought the Rangers were necessary, they have nonetheless become a major force within the area.
A great benefit to the Rangers is their independence. Unlike the Allirian City Guard, the Rangers are not beholden to one political group or sect of rich men. Though they take donations from the poor and wealthy alike, the Rangers are entirely independent. No one can tell the Rangers what to do or where to be. This ensures the organization is fair to all the citizens of the Reaches.
This independence has earned the Rangers a great amount of respect over the centuries, and citizens within the Reaches often see them as a force for justice.
The Rangers are often called upon to act as mediators, advocates, and sometimes even judges. The tasks they perform vary a massive amount, with Rangers doing everything from fighting bandits to hunting down monsters sighted in one place or another.
Many Commanders of the Rangers have described their organizations job as simply 'being there'. Rangers are incredibly flexible, all of them bound to a duty to serve.
Though no one knows for sure why the twelve thought the Rangers were necessary, they have nonetheless become a major force within the area.
A great benefit to the Rangers is their independence. Unlike the Allirian City Guard, the Rangers are not beholden to one political group or sect of rich men. Though they take donations from the poor and wealthy alike, the Rangers are entirely independent. No one can tell the Rangers what to do or where to be. This ensures the organization is fair to all the citizens of the Reaches.
This independence has earned the Rangers a great amount of respect over the centuries, and citizens within the Reaches often see them as a force for justice.
The Rangers are often called upon to act as mediators, advocates, and sometimes even judges. The tasks they perform vary a massive amount, with Rangers doing everything from fighting bandits to hunting down monsters sighted in one place or another.
Many Commanders of the Rangers have described their organizations job as simply 'being there'. Rangers are incredibly flexible, all of them bound to a duty to serve.
- Commander of the Rangers
- Major
- Lieutenant
- Sergeant
- Ranger
- Recruit
Any man or woman joining the Rangers begin as a Recruit. It does not matter if they are the son of the richest merchant or the daughter of the poorest cobbler. These men and women go through incredibly rigorous training, learning how to use various weapons, survival tactics, and the history of the Reach and the villages within it.

Once a Recruit graduates they become a Ranger. These are of course the work-force of the organization and do most, if not all, of the work. These men and women are the back bone of everything, and carry out the various missions that are dolled out. Rangers most often work independently throughout the Reaches, though they are sometimes paired with a partner.
Sergeants are the next rank found within the Rangers. Though there is no great distinction between a Sergeant and a Ranger, they are generally given more authority. When on a mission with multiple Rangers the Sergeant is usually in charge. They are also most often trusted with missions that deal with those not within the Rangers themselves.
Fewer in number, Lieutenants of the Rangers act much like their lower rank counter-parts with one great exception. These men and women are put in charge of missions that go outside the Allir Reaches. Lieutenants take charge of greater forces of Rangers, and often lead expeditions beyond the Spine. They also obviously have more Authority.
Majors are only a step beneath the Commander of the Rangers. There are only Five of these men and women in total, each of them in charge of one of the Ranger's great outposts. The Majors decide who gets promoted, who goes on what mission, and where everyone is assigned. They are the day to day Commanders.
Lastly there is the Commander of the Rangers himself. This position is as old as the Rangers themselves, and is the very top of the rank Structure. He, or she, has the final word on every single thing the Rangers do. Most often they are an incredibly skilled and distinguished Ranger, a man or woman who are all but revered not just within the Order, but the entire length of the Reach.

Originally founded by a group of Twelve men, the Rangers were designed and created as an independent force for justice.
Though Alliria, one of the most powerful cities in the world, had it's own military and navy, the ruling Merchant Council had always made it clear that the City Guard was for just that; the City. Because of this, the smaller towns and villages of the Allir Reaches and the surrounding area almost always suffered.
Merchants were forced to hire mercenaries to protect their wagons, villages were at the mercy of bandits, and lone travelers were often attacked or assaulted.
The Rangers were founded to stop all of this. Though initially a small force, their good works and respectful manner quickly made their Order spread like wildfire. Recruits and donations poured into the Rangers, and before long the organization was not only flush with numbers, but was actually in control of several large Fortresses that had once been privately owned.
Through this the Rangers managed to expand even further, and before long the Organization became a force to be reckoned with.
Over the years the Rangers had solidified themselves within the heart of the Allir Reach, taking up a position as an independent source of authority. Many people across the Reach respect Rangers almost as much as they do the Allirian City Guard. It is not uncommon for people to open their homes to Rangers, supplies and even money are often gifted on a regular basis.
This comes from the fact that throughout the centuries the Rangers have always been staunch defenders of the Reach. Through many crisis, such as the Templar Wars or the Steppe Invasions, the Rangers have been there. Sometimes they have acted as more than just a police force, and instead become a veritable army.
The Rangers are as much a part of the Reach as the people themselves, and they serve as a counter-balance to Lords and Wealthy men who might otherwise take advantage.