

Biographical information
Oban 25 Nomadic
Physical description
Human (Secretly half human/half fae) Female 1.7m 59kg Black Gray Fair
Political information
Out-of-character information
Mannelig GUWEIZ

Tess is a wandering mage determined to find her way in the world rather than remain stagnant in her homeland, probably married off to some half forgotten noble or moderately successful merchant. She specializes in her own unique brand of magic, often pulled from various sources, and centered around a mishmash of schools and materials ranging from simple words of power to odd baubles glinting with tidbits of arcane energy.


Tess usually dresses in a hodgepodge of what she can find, afford, maintain, and repair on her own. She usually between worn mages robes or dresses, usually black, dark blue, or gray to hide any potential dirt or stains crisscrossed with pouches, backs, cloaks, belts, trinkets (both magical and mundane), and her trademark, wide brimmed, pointed hat. Alternatively, she has been known to wear heavier clothing for winter weather and short breeches and a short cape to protect from the sun over whatever else she has handy, all complete with her favorite hat.

Skills and Abilities

Tess is a skilled, if unorganized, mage. Rather than specializing wholly in combat magic or even into divination, conjuration, or any established schools, she has instead opted to learn all of them and none of them at the same time. Primarily focusing on pure utility while ensuring she can also defend herself when needed, she tends to use an eclectic mix of verbal, somatic, material components often with a rhyme and reason only known to her. Outside of magic, Tess is a passable cook, understands the rudimentary methods of basic self defense, and where the more important libraries and magical locations are found. The only other area she possesses better than average abilities in are sewing as she has had to repair, tailor, and sometimes hand make her own clothing with varying degrees of success over the years.


Tess displays a sarcastic, blunt, and usually prickly exterior while generally preferring kindness to malice in most, if not all, situations. While she distrusts most species and creatures considered evil (often for good reason), she tends to offer the olive branch first before flinging fireballs or exploding marbles into the fray. Otherwise, she tends to continue to wander from place to place, preferring travel than setting down roots in any one area.

Biography & Lore

Born in Oban to moderately successful traders, she grew up honing her magical abilities under her mother's tutelage while avoiding her father's, and other male relatives', attention. As she grew older, she grew bolder despite the oppression of women in her homeland. When her father began discussing arranged marriages with other families to bolster his own status and wealth, Tess knew she had one and only one choice to make. She slipped out of her family's home and then the city itself, posing as a forgetful page boy running a late night errand. Successful in her escape, she eventually took to wandering the world, leaving her homeland far behind, and somehow staying alive despite the semi-frequent attempts of beasts and hostile creatures. At least, so far...


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