There may be some of the greatest craftsmen the world has ever seen down on earth, but not one of them can claim to match the gods' greatest smiths without bringing down divine wrath. Made of a metal called coldsteel, a mixture of magical ice and iron, it can not only freeze magic, but it cannot be affected by it either. Still, the price for holding such a weapon is high, as the god infused some of his own power within the blade. It is intensely cold and startlingly heavy, and the Power of Distral flows through it, meaning that if your mana capacity is low, it will probably kill you. Luckily, it's current owner does not have to worry about that.
Permafrost is special because the spell inside of it cannot be counterspelled or nullified. This spell is called Freeze Magic, and that means that when the dagger touches magic, that magic's flow stops almost completely. Basically, it's like a passive Counterspell. Still, it has to touch the magic, so it's power is not indefatigable. It is not intangible either, and can be physically wrested from the hand's of it's user. The runes on it's blade are the letters of its name, but currently only the gods of the Dendri pantheon know it since only they use those letters. Iscandor chose the name Permafrost because it also has the power to freeze foes and exudes an aura of incredibly biting cold. Finally, the power of Distral himself flows through the blade, enhancing the power of all magic, but also further enhancing magic relating to water and ice beyond that.
Distral (God of Ice, Storms, Water, and Rain) wanted the knife for a bout with the God of Magic (plus Rituals and Magical Language), Klaigh, and specifically requested for it to not only be magic resistant, but that they put a spell that is unable to be cancelled by even his fellow gods. His knife allowed him the upper hand against the god of magic, but after getting close enough Klaigh physically knocked it out of his hand and sent it flying off of Dendrian and hurtling to the earth. It landed next to a shrine of Distral belonging to Iscandor when he was staring down an assassin, not a scratch on it, and he picked it up for it was obviously a sign.