Leave no trace.
Ordinary and scrappy with a hint of something feral.
Skills and Abilities
Fortune or misfortune: Norah and those around her go through the extremes. Winning an impossible bet at the chariot races only to break an arm the next day.
Sleight of hand: thieves tools, doesn't leave home without them.
Stealthy: can squeeze in small places, takes easily to shadows, quiet of foot.
Fleet footed: a fast little devil.
Magic of the fates: Norah can wield and call upon the magic of the fates. The fates are kept in a series of coins that Norah carries around with her. All that she can do is not yet known, even to the proctors or herself. And the cost is steep.
Sleight of hand: thieves tools, doesn't leave home without them.
Stealthy: can squeeze in small places, takes easily to shadows, quiet of foot.
Fleet footed: a fast little devil.
Magic of the fates: Norah can wield and call upon the magic of the fates. The fates are kept in a series of coins that Norah carries around with her. All that she can do is not yet known, even to the proctors or herself. And the cost is steep.
Biography & Lore
Norah grew-up in the Underworld of Vel Anir. A street rat and street urchin. She never knew her parents or didn't remember them. At a very young age she learned how to get what she needed to survive. No matter what it took. Due to her dexterity and size, she caught the eye of one of Vel Anir's largest crime syndicates.
She lied, stole, cheated, gambled, and stole some more.
Her luck ran out or did it????? when she stole from House Banick and House Luana. Brought before the Vestigare, she was found to have magic and immediately taken to the Academy to train as a Dreadlord. After a few years, the Revolution happened. Most assumed Norah stayed because she had nowhere else to go.
Though smaller in size to many of her classmates and with plenty of food in her belly, there's something feral about her. Something that makes her larger classmates hesitate to bully her. But not always.
She lied, stole, cheated, gambled, and stole some more.
Her luck ran out or did it????? when she stole from House Banick and House Luana. Brought before the Vestigare, she was found to have magic and immediately taken to the Academy to train as a Dreadlord. After a few years, the Revolution happened. Most assumed Norah stayed because she had nowhere else to go.
Though smaller in size to many of her classmates and with plenty of food in her belly, there's something feral about her. Something that makes her larger classmates hesitate to bully her. But not always.