Fifteen years among, six a squire and nine a knight, did Isander toil. Labor sworn and blood paid did he fight, breath upon hapless breath laid at the root of an oath. Weariness as his mantle, experience his armor, he presses ever on pursuant in service of the ever burning Dawn.
Burnished of hair and dark of complexion, long years wore the grain of his face. Clean shaven, stern lines draw his chin to a point. Isander stands solid, shoulders broad with the weight of duty. A slight imbalance is found between his sides; a clear favor for his left, a dominant preference that sings when he is out of armor.
Skills and Abilities
As steel in the palm; in the art of combat, Isander is well-versed. Blade and spear and cudgel and hand, he spent the better part of two decades on the craft by trial and tutelage, and achieved some moderate success in each. While lacking the raw talent and dexterity to truly excel or master the physical arts, he possesses a fair coordination and technique such to aid in his hunt of beasts. Having long come to terms with his lack of prodigious skill, he relies instead on knowledge and preparation. It serves him well.
Like a moth to the flame; the pursuit of fire is one of the few mystic disciplines Isander finds confidence in. As the quenching of iron, the cleansing flame emboldens him. While rarely practiced, he boasts manifestation of fire in some middling regard. He can manipulate its magical element as needed, though he often leans on more physical applications: binding chains, burning stakes, loosed bolts.
In life, the Dawn; for the pursuit of life marks his noblest of callings. Mending hands, the righteous timbre of a sonorous chant, his greatest pursuit is that of life. It strikes counter to his blade, a protest against the death wrought at its point.
Like a moth to the flame; the pursuit of fire is one of the few mystic disciplines Isander finds confidence in. As the quenching of iron, the cleansing flame emboldens him. While rarely practiced, he boasts manifestation of fire in some middling regard. He can manipulate its magical element as needed, though he often leans on more physical applications: binding chains, burning stakes, loosed bolts.
In life, the Dawn; for the pursuit of life marks his noblest of callings. Mending hands, the righteous timbre of a sonorous chant, his greatest pursuit is that of life. It strikes counter to his blade, a protest against the death wrought at its point.
Weary, fervent, determined, and disciplined. Isander is well aware of his own weaknesses, firmly measured in his strengths. He is not prideful. He has reign over himself, leading to the appearance of a tepid affect.
Biography & Lore
Noble roots lay some small claim on Isander, but he is far divorced of such notions. His time before falling in amidst the Anathaeum hold little consequence to him. As a youth, his aspirations and dreams took him to the legends themselves. He would be a hero, a king, and perhaps everything in between. He would know the many shades of magic, feast in the Fae Courts, and rival the dragons themselves atop their skyborne fortresses.
A boy's fancies, and he is no more a boy than he is a king.
His feet found more solid a footing. His dreams met with nominal opposition: reality. One man cannot so easily raise himself above his limitations. It was a harsh lesson learned at the expense of lives he once held dear. No more. The only homage he can yet pay is the pursuit of life.
A boy's fancies, and he is no more a boy than he is a king.
His feet found more solid a footing. His dreams met with nominal opposition: reality. One man cannot so easily raise himself above his limitations. It was a harsh lesson learned at the expense of lives he once held dear. No more. The only homage he can yet pay is the pursuit of life.
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