Irari Noriron
Money launderer
Even measured to the tips of her horns, Irari barely clears the counter at her bank. She weighs eighty pounds soaking wet, and her delicate wrists and long fingers only serve to make her look ever thinner than she is. The plain, dark uniform of her day job bleeds even into the paltry few wardrobe items she possesses outside of work.Her features are alien and familiar at once; a wide bridge and slanted, doe-like eyes paint a picture of innocence together with slender horns and soft, deer ears.
Skills and Abilities
Sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation – call it whatever you want. The important thing is, Irari can palm a gold coin out of sight under the hawk-eyed stare of an A&G supervisor.Smort – to work at a bank, you’ve gotta have a knack for numbers, and Irari can add up mind-boggling sums in head. Her penmanship is a work of art in an age where few can even write, and with a bit of time and effort, Irari can copy any hand she comes across.
A distant smile is a permanent fixture on Irari’s face. For someone who can calculate the interest rate on an A&G loan in the time it takes the other clerks to get out the abacus, Irari seems permanently given to daydreaming. She remains courteous and serene in the face of the raging, gammon-faced merchants that blow spittle all over her counter every day.Irari floats untouched above the drag of daily routine, buoyed by her optimistic outlook on life. Most of her coworkers find this attitude grating, but she never resents their small-minded sneers.
Biography & Lore
For a first-generation immigrant hailing from the Outer city of Alliria, Irari has done quite well for herself. Her parents moved to the grand metropolis when she was but a child, and so a few splashes of vivid green are all she remembers of their home – the great Falwood in the south.In search of a better life – like everybody else outside the walls – her parents took up any and all jobs they could while rearing their only daughter. After so many centuries of peoples mixing on its streets, the port was indifferent to her horns; she got her shot at apprenticeship in a temple scriptorium; several years later, she moved on to work with the Cartographers’ Guild of Alliria; after that, Irari was offered a job with the main branch of Accauoli & Goudsmyd, recommended for her steady hands and her sharp mind.