Wolfmar Kurz

Wolfmar Hieronymus Kurz

Biographical information
Vel Anir 29 Nomad
Physical description
Human Male 1.88m 97.5 kg Blonde Blue Fair
Political information
Independent Knight
Out-of-character information
Geist 10.17.19 Source

Skills and Abilities

Trained Swordsman: From his youth, Wolfmar underwent training at his family's estate. Unlike many others who learned the art of the sword, he didn't attend a school in the city. Rather, his family contracted a swordsman of their own to attend his education at home. Hours upon hours he spent learning and undergoing physical conditioning before he was even allowed to pick up a sword - once he did there was nothing else he wanted to learn. His free time was dedicated to learning the intricacies of personal combat.

Well Educated: Alongside his personal training of the sword, he also was under the guidance of a private tutor. History, Language, and other topics filled his days when he wasn't in the training yard. "A careful balance needst be maintained", or so he was told. Though his education is a step above the common rabble, more time was dedicated to his swordcraft than his wordcraft. More of a "do-er" than a "thinker", Wolfmar still prefers to make educated decisions but if pressed will take action over careful deliberation.

Self Serving: Perhaps inherited by his station, Wolfmar Kurz is extremely self centered. Those below him socially are often not worthy of his attention - those that are only enough to be crushed beneath his heel. Like others, Wolf became a squire in his youth. For many years he lived, slept, ate, and breathed the lift of a knight - and then finally he was given the title. Now a lowly knight in the King's service, Wolfmar seeks to earn a name for himself and create his own legacy.


Wolfmar Kurz is what you might expect of a young knight. Proud of his accomplishments, eager to see the field of battle and prove his worth, full of energy and life. Unjaded by the experiences of harsher life. Chivalry is certainly something to strive for but the young Knight is by no means a perfect example. Perhaps a symptom of the recent ramping up of the military, the increased recruitment, or maybe something darker on the horizon, most knights these days seem to stray from the virtues. Motivated to earn himself further titles and maybe even lands, Wolfmar is ambitious. Depending on which side of the equation a person finds themselves Wolfmar could be a valuable ally or a vicious enemy.

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