Valerie Of Broken Sword
Valerie is one of the ten of Broken Sword responsible for the Templar Allegiance that unites many of the Templar factions around Alliria today.
She was born as nothing more than a street rat in Alliria. Like the others, she was plucked off the streets by Broken Sword and raised to fill the ranks of Templars that defend the Allirian Reach from dark magic. She formed an unbreakable bond with her nine other classmates. By the time they were all full fledged members, the group of ten were unquestionably loyal to each other first and the order second.
Saul rose above in the ranks, bolstered by the support of the group. They all benefited from his ambition, and they all saw to it that the order benefited from his vision of rebirth and growth in turn.
They all proved to have their own unique strengths. While Saul's was clearly leadership, Valerie's was tact and infiltration. She is a figure of beauty and grace-- an uncommon trait amongst the hardened soldiers, but it is a skill which serves her well in the political front of Templar matters. That is where she can be seen working from the most.
While Leane and Edwin possess raw skill with a sword, Valerie's strengths with weapons are far more subtle. She is an adept assassin and spy. She is capable of using antimagic.
Her skills fall to the side of intellect. The woman is deadly smart-- capable of speaking many languages and recalling documents without having them on hand. She can get a strong read on a situation and possess empathy that most Templar have had beaten out of them on the battle field.
She is confident, motivated, and not to be underestimated.
PC Members of the group of Ten:
Saul Talith
Edwin- Saul's right hand. Strong sword's man and fighter. Light-hearted, boyish. Antimagic capable.
Leane- The sword and shield of the group. She's the epitome of a what would would expect of a Templar. She fights with a long sword in full armor. Stoic. No antimagic.
Greggor- Expert archer. Can scrounge up a meal out of thin air (or tree roots). Gregarious. No antimagic.
Orin- Scout. He serves as an excellent informant, with keen eyes and good tactical ideas. Observant. Antimagic capable.
Berrick- The jack of all trades with weapons, he forges most of the gear the group wears. Knowledgable on ancient artifacts. His mood fits the enviroment. Antimagic capable.
Myrelle- Rouge. Her strength lies in poisons and other unfavorable methods. She takes action on her own without consulting the others. She stomachs what the other's morals cannot. Antimagic capable.
Not spoken about- dead
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Created byonValerieLast updated byonAnastasia