Te'leis was an Aeraesarian under the Sphere of Nykios within the Sharyrdian Order. As a Sword of the Order she was an able sword wielder, but here truest prowess were contested between ranged combat and hand to hand. There was great debate as to whether or not she was best suited for the Sphere of Nykios, or the Sphere of the Edict, but ultimately hers was chosen to be a more violent path. And this decision was well founded, as she came to be without a doubt the greatest markswoman of her time. She was viewed by many as the face of the Order, often sent to represent them in faraway lands due to her tact and tenacity in negotiation.
She died in the Age of Chronicles year of 370.
Skills and Abilities
Candles Once Bright - Te'leis and Aidathin, caught under some strange spell, seek out their missing friend Erën - to slay him.
The Ancient Dweller - Te'leis travels with her friends Erën and Aidathin to uncover a nefarious plot.