- Lower City
- The Bridge
- The Sanctuary
- The Enclave
- The Rainbow
Thyasari, the Hidden City
Once, Thyasari stood as the pinnacle example of what the Avariel people were at the centre of its sprawling empire. Today, however, the hidden city is only mentioned in songs and a few rare surviving books on the all but forgotten race of people who inhabit it. Whilst the outside world remained ignorant of its existence the Avariel within Thyasari continued to build and cultivate their capital, turning it into a sanctuary where their families would be safe from outside threats. Located deep within the mysterious Spine, the Avariel have kept the great city a secret with ancient spells and wards which cloaked it and repelled those who wandered to close to the entrance. The only other way to reach the city is to fly above the thick cloud line that always hangs around this part of the Spine making it only accessible to a select few races.
Their inward looking nature for the last few centuries has left the city a deeply untrusting and unhospitable place for outsiders. From clothes to the architecture it is a city that has been built for winged beings and not Groundlings. Large areas of the lower city and walkways for those without wings have fallen into ruin over the years given all but the great city above the clouds a neglected and dangerous appearance. Despite this, upon announcing its reopening to the world Thyasari declared itself a neutral city and one open to the trade of all other races.

Thyasari is populated solely by the Avariel people, though in its past humans and other elves have also called the city home. Little is known of Avariel society by the rest of the world. Historical accounts of Avariel encounters describe them as a very proud people that look down on other races - including grounded elves.
The Avariels are ruled by a group called the Elders, who make decisions on behalf of the species. Whilst it is this group who have ultimate say in matters of state, it has been said that they accept petitioning from even the lowest of their society, and weigh up opinions and emotions when carrying out sentences or laws. Their ultimate aim is the protection of their race and currently believe the only way to do so is to keep themselves removed from the politics of the rest of the world. There are Nine who sit on the council and each one represents a different segment of society.
Due to a mix of their isolation and the rarity of children, their entertainment is limited. Avariel's enjoy singing about their histories as a group, but are more interested in physical activity such as typical play. They lack things such as mummers, puppeteers, and other more fanciful forms of entertainment. However, their art and sculptures legends say have made even the most blood thirsty rulers in history weep with joy.
There appear to be several customs and social rules unique to the Avariel and their wings. For example, gifting one another one of their feathers is a high remark of respect and honour, and are usually only gifted to people who have performed a life of death saving debt. It is also bad manners to touch one another's wings with your hands, which is seen as reserved only for Lovers.
For more information see: Avariels.
The Avariels are ruled by a group called the Elders, who make decisions on behalf of the species. Whilst it is this group who have ultimate say in matters of state, it has been said that they accept petitioning from even the lowest of their society, and weigh up opinions and emotions when carrying out sentences or laws. Their ultimate aim is the protection of their race and currently believe the only way to do so is to keep themselves removed from the politics of the rest of the world. There are Nine who sit on the council and each one represents a different segment of society.
Due to a mix of their isolation and the rarity of children, their entertainment is limited. Avariel's enjoy singing about their histories as a group, but are more interested in physical activity such as typical play. They lack things such as mummers, puppeteers, and other more fanciful forms of entertainment. However, their art and sculptures legends say have made even the most blood thirsty rulers in history weep with joy.
There appear to be several customs and social rules unique to the Avariel and their wings. For example, gifting one another one of their feathers is a high remark of respect and honour, and are usually only gifted to people who have performed a life of death saving debt. It is also bad manners to touch one another's wings with your hands, which is seen as reserved only for Lovers.
For more information see: Avariels.

The Sky City is now the hub of all Avariel life and is made up of a series of floating masses of earth. The main bulk of the city is situated on the largest bit of the floating earth and is the part the ancient walkway links up to. Here visitors will find all shops, government buildings and the majority of the Avariel homes. What might strike most wingless people upon entering is the sheer scale of the city for such a small population. Built with wings in mind the streets are wide, designed so that six Avariel with their wings fully spread could fly side by side without touching. This theme carries on into the buildings themselves with their wide doorways, numerous balconies for easy landings, and expansive interiors with multiple levels.
Despite its size attention has been paid to every little bit of the city. From the fine carvings in archways, to murals along walkways, waterfalls, pools and luscious gardens, it is understandable why in legends many people have believe the city and its people to be a paradise people enter when they die.
Other clusters of earth above the cloud-line encompass further gardens, private residences, temples and the Sanctuary. Not all of these are connected by earth bridges and so restrict access to winged-beings only.
Points of Interest

Whilst the Lower City is practically a ruin now, construction has begun to bring it up to its old standard in order to allow traders from outside Thyasari who do not have wings to once more take up residence there and trade. It is also a very unique way to view the floating city from below with the strange bulks of earth at this level hovering only a foot off the ground before becoming progressively higher. There are unique breeds of animals that also prowl this basically untouched land.

The Bridge is the ancient walkway the connects the Lower City to the Sky City. This great walkway stretches on for miles and on foot can take a traveller half a day to cross. This great feat of engineering and magic is a matter of pride for the Avariel and despite not using the Lower City they have kept the bridge almost pristine. Wild flowers have been cultivated along the edges of the bridge and each viewing platform making the journey feel almost like walking through a landscaped garden. The Bridge also offers travellers stunning views of the Lower City.

The Sanctuary, pictured left
The Sanctuary is one of the most tightly guarded areas of Thyasari and outsiders are not permitted within its walls for this is where the Avariel raise their young. Inside its walls are a series of suites, medical wards, nurseries, a vast library, classrooms and a training area. When an Avariel discovers they are expecting a child they will often move to the Sanctuary for the duration of their pregnancy and the next 20 - 50 years to raise their children in safety. The Sanctuary is stocked with the best provisions and attended by the elite healers, teachers and warriors to train their young.
The Enclave:
The Enclave is the centre of Avariel government. As a republic, the Avariel vote on a representative from their Discipline to sit on the council and speak on their behalf. This is where the nine Elders gather in order to make decisions about the city and is also where they hold trials, hearings and deal with other legal proceedings. The building is situated on the main slab of earth that makes up the Sky City and is open to visitors and residents.

The Rainbow:
The Rainbow is the dedicated Artists Quarter in the city affectionately known as the rainbow due to the fact there is always one arching over the walkway there. It is here residents and travellers will find the Avariel's famed artwork, sculptures and more. Music can always be heard in the streets here and it is a pleasant place to stop on a sunny afternoon in one of the gardens.
There are a select few artisnal cafe's here as well including the famous Ambrosia tearoom. Whilst it is not the only place in Thyasari to sell the legendary liquor that is said to take 10 years to drink, this is where the recipe originated and still draws a crowd to its store because of it.
As well as what is on offer to buy and sample in the Rainbow, it is also one of the highest points in the Sky City and offers unrivalled views of the rest of the city from the Ambrosia tearoom, located on the top floor of the Calypso Buildings.
Thyasari's history stretches so far back into the ages that most of it is mistake as myth and legend. For example, the creation of the city itself was said to have been born from when Gods roamed the lands. Their mighty footfalls tore up the earth itself and scattered it into the sky where an Avariel, the messengers of said Gods, collected these scattered gems and turned them into their home.
Until their disappearance the Avariel were ruled by ancient Kings and Queens. As with all royalty they were unsatisfied with the land they found themselves with and waged an aggressive expansionist war. The most famous of these wars were with the dwarves and their fabled sky-ships. The wars with the dwarves are still some of the most bloody the Avariel have been involved in with major losses on both sides in terms of people and land. The two races remained at logger-heads right up until they withdrew from the world.
The most recent and notable event was what the Avariel's refer to as The Great Closing. Three Avariel children were abducted from the capital. The Avariel halted all fighting with the dwarves, as their attention turned to finding the children and appealed for help across the world. Nobody, however, answered their call for aid apart from the Sky Elves - the reason for their continuing friendship. After several months of frantic searching, the babes were found scattered across the world: one in human territory, one in dwarfish, and one with their own brethren the ground elves. The bodies were severely mutilated and it was apparent that the children had been abducted to find the source of the Avariel's wings. Horrified, the Avariel appealed for an investigation into the tragedy but again, only the Sky Elves backed the decision.
Disgusted with the growing fascination and obsession amongst the other races with their wings, the Avariel retreated entirely from the outside world and called back the numerous people of their kind who served across the world. Their Capital was never officially put on any maps outside, and it became impossible for anyone to find the group to try and reconcile with them. All roads, signs, and traces of the Avariel were systematically removed from The Spines and surrounding towns they had traded with until it was as if they were merely legends and not a real people.
The Avariel histories did not stop there just because they withdrew from the world. What ensued after The Great Closing was a bitter civil war between those Avariel who disagreed with the decision to close the gates to their city. It was during this bitter civil war that the monarchy was overthrown and instead it was decided a group of Elders, elected by the people, would lead them. Much to the chagrin of many even with the Elders in place they voted to remain in isolation. That was, of course, until recently. With more of the younger generation desperate to see the world beyond and with certain Avariel calling attention to their continued existence, the decision was made to once more open the cities gates to the world.
Until their disappearance the Avariel were ruled by ancient Kings and Queens. As with all royalty they were unsatisfied with the land they found themselves with and waged an aggressive expansionist war. The most famous of these wars were with the dwarves and their fabled sky-ships. The wars with the dwarves are still some of the most bloody the Avariel have been involved in with major losses on both sides in terms of people and land. The two races remained at logger-heads right up until they withdrew from the world.
The most recent and notable event was what the Avariel's refer to as The Great Closing. Three Avariel children were abducted from the capital. The Avariel halted all fighting with the dwarves, as their attention turned to finding the children and appealed for help across the world. Nobody, however, answered their call for aid apart from the Sky Elves - the reason for their continuing friendship. After several months of frantic searching, the babes were found scattered across the world: one in human territory, one in dwarfish, and one with their own brethren the ground elves. The bodies were severely mutilated and it was apparent that the children had been abducted to find the source of the Avariel's wings. Horrified, the Avariel appealed for an investigation into the tragedy but again, only the Sky Elves backed the decision.
Disgusted with the growing fascination and obsession amongst the other races with their wings, the Avariel retreated entirely from the outside world and called back the numerous people of their kind who served across the world. Their Capital was never officially put on any maps outside, and it became impossible for anyone to find the group to try and reconcile with them. All roads, signs, and traces of the Avariel were systematically removed from The Spines and surrounding towns they had traded with until it was as if they were merely legends and not a real people.
The Avariel histories did not stop there just because they withdrew from the world. What ensued after The Great Closing was a bitter civil war between those Avariel who disagreed with the decision to close the gates to their city. It was during this bitter civil war that the monarchy was overthrown and instead it was decided a group of Elders, elected by the people, would lead them. Much to the chagrin of many even with the Elders in place they voted to remain in isolation. That was, of course, until recently. With more of the younger generation desperate to see the world beyond and with certain Avariel calling attention to their continued existence, the decision was made to once more open the cities gates to the world.
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/one-of-a-kind.3013/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/the-town-of-yuletide.3010/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/ghosts-of-the-past.2940/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/snakes-in-the-garden.2894/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/fallen-from-grace.2907/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/even-in-the-coldest-of-days.2922/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/aftermath-aid-for-elbion.2904/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/bhathairk-the-aftermath.2664/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/the-lone-wanderer.2562/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/clipped-wings.2480/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/secret-serenity.2302/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/broken-roads-lead-to-home.2139/
- https://chroniclesrp.net/threads/sometimes-all-it-takes-is-a-leap-of-faith.2144/
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